Analysis of the EAP, page-117

  1. 473 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 800
    This paper describes the difference between MAPCs and MSCs, which was posted by another poster previously. Be warn, it's pretty scientific, but comprehensive. The paper seems to suggest that MAPCs and MSCs are two different but related cell populations. What I think was interesting is that MAPCs produce less immune modulating cytokines, induce more angiogenesis, and have the ability to differentiate into more cell types (if this happens inside a person then it will be a big problem, no one wants cartilage cells to grow in the lungs for example). Whereas MSCs are pericytes and doesn't persist inside the host for long period of time nor differentiate into another cell type inside the host.
    Although MAPCs can replicate more (60 doubling as compared to ~10-38 for MSCs), it is less studied and the side effects as well as immune modulatory potential have not been trialed in human as extensively as MSCs.
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