analysis: powell's speech and the iraqi end game, page-27

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    croupier- analysis: powell's speech and the iraqi

    Croupier you posted

    Snooker,you are wasting your breath.Whilst other countries have all these nasty weapons,notably Israel,and nothing is done about it,how can you expect anybody with a brain to take any notice of all the hot air about Iraq.

    Croupier, with all due respect, Israel has never attacked any country, ever, unless it was a pre-emptive strike in other words there was a clear and imminent danger. That is beyond dispute.

    And when it didn’t do that, for example the ’73 Yom Kippur War when Egypt and Syria attacked Israel on it’s most holiest day of the year (mind you, no one is allowed to touch the Muslims during their Ramadan), Israel paid a very heavy price for not having taken the threat as seriously as it should have, i.e. it should have launched a pre-emptive strike itself.

    Therefore Israel’s possessing of the weapons that it has, is justifiable as it must always be on the alert to defend itself, and more importantly, to act as a deterrent to the crazy Arabic aspirations, which is the total annihilation of the State of Israel.

    However, Saddam is not in that situation. He is the provocateur. He launched attacks on fellow Muslim countries, Iran and Kuwait. He gassed his own countrymen women and children!

    And if can murder his own co-religionists why would he have a moral problem disposing of Israel……..if he could?

    When Israel develops the expansionist tendencies of Iraq, and the dictatorial system of the Iraqi government you will have a good case for comparison.

    However despite the prattle that I will receive in return posts such as, ”Israel does have expansionists policies i.e. the disputed territories that is now in it’s control” and the “Golan Heights” in the north, I and anyone with even the slightest understanding of the defense requirements of the tiny state will recognize and accept that no comparison what so ever can be made between Iraq’s “defense” requirements and those of Israel.

    Therefore, survival instincts dictate that Israel must have these weapons whereas Iraq must not.

    Neither does Egypt. It is not under threat from any country in the world.

    Syria does not as it will not be attacked by Israel if it keeps it’s nose clean. Lebanon, the same…If it leaves Israel alone as it did in the earlier wars, Israel left it alone And will leave it alone.

    Jordan, well it’s only worry is Iraq…..And surprise, surprise, Jordan has a defense pact with Israel that Israel will come to it’s aid if ever attacked by………………………you guessed it, Iraq.

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