And more bovine excrement from their ABC., page-145

  1. 83,776 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''Yep, I also think people who have enough smarts to understand the bleedin' obvious can also have a distrust in Govt and authority. This leads to the denial of what they say, and the operception it's all just a conspiracy which has been manufactured. I have noticed that the same posters in HC are the same one's who are anti vaxers, which has zero correlation to MMCC other than it's source which is usually Govt. This distrust is irrational, especially when the evidence supporting both issues is so plain to see. The whole argument against Climate change by the loonies is only based on little snippets of info which can be used to discredit the science, but never anything of any substance to confirm it's all a hoax.''

    yes I agree generally there --------- many are the same crew who deny climate change that also thought that covid was a conspiracy and vaccines etc.

    and therein lies the difference in my mind about cc

    one can get out and SEE climate change ----------- and what we are seeing didn't escape from a lab ---------- and more importantly - it, to me - doesn't matter what is causing it

    what is going to hurt us - kill many and make a huge cost - is that it IS

    what it does and how we manage it - That's where the discussion should be going IMO.

    My opinion is that if major and rapid change is on - and it sure looks that way if one looks at the cluster of happenings around the world now - which can be seen - all one has to do is visit places -

    then, it's what rapid change MEANS that is going to be all important - it really doesn't matter what the reason is for a giant wave heading towards you - the only thing that matters is that you are up away from it AND you have a place to sleep and be safe - because after the wave - there isn't going to be anything left where it's been.

    If that AMOC stops in the near future - and 'near' is whatever it means to each person -

    then, society is in for a massive change - everywhere - including what we think will be 'safe areas' in Australia

    why? - because if there are 'safe areas' anywhere --------- there will be hundreds of millions of people heading for them - and the wave of people will be unstoppable.

    A lot of Ozzies are so complacent with what will happen 'if' ----------- the point is, it's 'when', not if.

    And when is a big big deal - as is 'how'. -------------- 'Why' is an also ran IMO.

    As to the mm thing and Co2 - I find it not irrelevant - but, I find it unimportant - why?

    tipping points.

    If we've hit a tipping point - then, she's all over red rover. The inevitable must be. No matter what we do.
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