And more bovine excrement from their ABC., page-149

  1. 29,676 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 250
    Because cyclones/typhoons are classed as “extreme weather events” be they category one or five.

    Even you might agree that not all storms are extreme weather events?

    Not to mention that the CC crazy bed wetter’s have been claiming that mmco2 will cause more cyclones with higher intensities since the 1980’s and yet our history shows the exact opposite.
    Less cyclones and less intense cyclones over the last 40 odd years.

    So you’re back to saying that the ocean is rising faster in some places than others?

    I remember reading about the Solomon Islands, specifically the few that sunk/have lost a great deal of dry land.

    The one common factor is that their coral reefs have been severely compromised by human activities (specifically to their locality).

    Blasting and poisoning the surrounding reefs to be more specific.

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