and on the abc

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    catching up after a short break - on the subject of this now blatantly heavily barracking for the Left, and the Far Left, ABC army - again, Pickering tells it best.

    This tumour of Leftist propgandists, shoving their twisted views down all our throats, day in, day out, has to be cut out, it's insidious growth stopped. as Pickering tells us, the ABC chief's a 2012 appointee of Julia Gillard's, and an old Whitlam "mate."


    "It will not be high on Abbott’s list of things to do, and in the short term there’s not much that he can do about it, but the ABC’s systemic Left-wing bias should not be left to fester too much longer.

    ABC Chairman, Jim Spigelman (pictured), is an original “Freedom Rider” and one-time Principal Private Secretary to, and Secretary of the Media Department under, Gough Whitlam.

    He was appointed for a 5 year term by Julia Gillard in 2012.

    Spigelman’s legal career is unquestionably stellar but his inability, or unwillingness, to stem the ABC rot is disgraceful and the rot can only be stemmed from the top.

    Spigelman has no managerial experience and if he disciplined his staff he would need to defy the reason for his appointment by Gillard.

    He obviously has no intention to do that, so he continues to dress to the Left.

    University “media studies” graduates flock to the ABC where they know they will be heard, unchallenged.

    Balance in reporting is foreign to them. Despite the strict ABC guidelines they are obliged to adhere to, there is no-one in the organisation to arrest the persistent anti-conservative, pro-Labor drivel.

    The Fairfax Press can be judged on the credibility and foresight of its journalists:

    Laura Tingle: “The election of Tony Abbott as party leader is a disaster of epic proportions. They have now taken a major step... away from mainstream voters.”

    Peter Hartcher (described by his peers as Rudd’s Press Secretary): “The Liberal Party has decided, by electing Abbott as leader, that it’s more important to be combative than to be electable.”

    Gay activist, David Marr: “Australia doesn’t want Tony Abbott. We never have.”

    That’s okay, we taxpayers don’t have to buy or read the failing Fairfax Press, but the ABC’s long list of loony Left wingers, like lesbian and feminist activist Fran Kelly (I’ve had a few run-ins with her) have their hands firmly in our pockets to the extent of $1.2 Billion a year.

    Of course the list of enthusiastic Labor sympathisers gracing almost every desk in the ABC is far too long to itemise. Tony Abbott has a duty to bring the ABC back to the middle ground. He can do that only with a change at the top.

    The ABC’s modus operandi is predictable and cyclical: An ongoing exercise in far Left .........(edited by me) until a conservative government appears imminent then rush back to somewhere Left of Centre to avoid job losses.

    Our government broadcaster has become an unsavoury tool of government... we pay for it and we want it back please Tony."

    end quote.

    a very load HEAR HEAR!!!

    This rot at the ABC now dangerous, invidious, and deeply entrenched - and we are the dopes paying their exorbitant progandist salaries.

    Something HAS to be done.
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