I woke up early today and had a cup of coffee.It didn't cure my...

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    I woke up early today and had a cup of coffee.
    It didn't cure my cold or being old and grumpy.
    So I tried a second cup, but it didn't cure me.

    It made me more alert to my grouchy misery.
    Åll coffee can remedy is a caffein deficiency.

    I need a morning drink that numbs my misery.
    The ying to that yang is it would numb my joy.

    There are no one-sided coins. Vodka and
    Vallium or Viaga can't cure me being old.

    Being old and less capable is the pits.
    Until I consider the only alternative:
    A pine box with flowers upon on it.

    The ugliness of Canberra politics is severe.
    Until I consider the only alternative: Guns.

    Syrians don't vote. They shoot one another.
    We vote for Genghis Khan or Atilla The Hun.
    Voting is better than Syria, but not by much.

    African proverb: "He who annoints a king
    never rules with Gillard or Abbott". They
    tell you lies and you pay them taxes.

    Thus it has been ever since a caveman
    could wave a big club and dine for free.

    Today's big club is called a Mace. It sits
    in Parliament to remind you what rules:
    Them that have a big club dine for free.
    You have to work to eat. Demanding
    money with menaces = Democracy.
    We get to pick who waves the club.

    Coffee can't prevent World War Three.
    Or cure my cold or remedy getting old.
    So why do I drink coffee? It's a habit.
    All coffee can cure is a lack of caffein.
    If I don't drink coffee, I feel deprived.
    Drink it and I feel alert and deprived.
    It's better than drunk and deprived.
    The cure: Drink coffee and vodka
    with anti-depressants and whiskey
    and I won't be deprived of anything.

    Result: Wheee! Crash! Help! "Doctor
    it all began with one cup of coffee."

    Doctor: "You're suffering from
    Western Civilisation. The only
    cure is vote for Elvis Presley."

    Why Elvis? "He's dead so he
    wreck your life and drive you
    to drink anything to feel good."
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