andrew and the professors, page-47

  1. 14,166 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 10
    123enen said: "Why didn't he get 3 global warming /climate change professors instad of these pretenders?"

    Now, if you listened to the clip, Bolt explains that he did invite others, however, they declined. It seems to be the new labor way is to avoid any media that might challenge their ideas. So it is their own fault that they were not there to give their alternate view points.



    I'm not sure if there is a transcript, but most of the Youtube clip is the professors talking. Just fast forward past the first bit where Bolt introduces them if you don't want to hear his But then you will miss out their qualifications.

    I think it was Peter Reid who was suggesting that government funding should be available for both sides of this debate instead of being available only for those who will give the desired AGW result (that's my interpretation and not his actual words). Listen for yourself...

    It was also pointed out that there is a prosecution and a defence in court cases and feels this should be treated in the same manner. Where is the same government funding for those whose scientific views are not the result the government wants?

    And, the majority of Aussies (as per opinion polls) agree with the consensus of the scientists on Bolt's show.

    Anyway, if you listen to the show, which is predominantly the scientists speaking, you can discuss more specifically...:)
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