I think the events of Australia Day was ferel and did nothing to...

  1. 412 Posts.
    I think the events of Australia Day was ferel and did nothing to make white Australians understand better the obvious anger the Aboriganals have for white Australia, however we now have to look forward to fix this troublesome decide between our lands traditional owners and immigrants who have worked hard to build our country to the great democracy it has become.

    I believe there is one thing that could improve things more than anything else and that is JOBS!!!! I know it not simple but instead of handouts we need to invest in helping aboriginals find employment..this is where it all starts and I believe as a government this should be top of the agenda.

    With a JOB comes pride in ones self, self disapline, respect for yourself and others, income, responsibility, routine, structure and most of all setting a good example for your children and grandchildren. This structure would also benefit the multitude of bludgers out there....no matter what color or race you are!!!

    Andrew Forrest has made a start and should be praised for the efforts he is putting into Aboriginal employment as he understands that the JOB is the foundation to families finding pride and independence and ultimately changing the mindset for future generations.

    All the concerns are valid and it is fair to complain about what has happened but we must. Work hard to fix the problem from the ground up, it wont be easy but we have to keep trying, we cannot give up, we have to be the better person and keep trying to fix the divide, the alternative won't help anyone..so the Government needs to get busy and start working on some real policies that give everyone a chance!!!!!

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