since your post Rabbitoh - and an excellent post it is - one...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    since your post Rabbitoh - and an excellent post it is - one factor therein needs to be adjusted and rebutted with hindsight - for it comes out that the "fear on the Gillard face" was perhaps self-inflicted, straight from her office - the direct result of some cheap and tawdry "plot went wrong" "get Tony Abbott stunt" which we now all know emanated out of her own office, conceived by one of her senior media advisers. No junior office boy this one. He knew exactly what he was doing - and who to "phone to mak the tip off. WHO? A woman of the Unions - who calls Abbott vile names on blogs. The "c" word well to the fore on Australia Day applied to Abbott. Which she (Gillard) claims to have known nothing about. A claim I for one find completely unbelievable. If she didn't know - she is not in control of her office - to let loose cannons rule the roost. And to be ignorant of sub-plots senior advisers have cooked up! Gillard now claims she has never met this woman her aide contacted - yet there is a photo of them together at some Union event years ago in media files, taken when Gillard was active in Union connections. And this woman's version now keeps changing.

    Had the real truth of the matter not been revealed with this chap's resignation (After 8 hours of her "I know nothing!") the photos of Gillard being protected and dagged away to her car would have engendered sympathy which was pure gold for her. All based on lies as it turns out! (Yep - another one!)

    But there's worse - same senior staffer was present at this event - bad-mouthing Abbott and re-iterating to journalists
    present the same lies he told the Union
    can't make up her mind" woman - who changes her story as often as Raffa went for the towels during last night's epic tennis. The WRONG story about what HE claims Abbott had said - instead of the actual truth of what Abbott DID say.

    Labor are now SO paranoic Abbott, and so intent on destroying his credibility with the public by any means, they are now full occupied, in my opinion, not with governing the country, but in dreaming up murky schemes.

    Probably a lot like the ones they mulled over in their secret back rooms before Rudd got the "knife."

    And these people have the gall to smile whilst doing this - to parade around like movie stars - to expect US to believe their malicious rubbish and keep respecting them - and to PAY their exorbitant stipends out of taxpayer funds, whilst most of us are battling to survive?

    Time for a complete review and objectively tough overhaul of what seems a very outdated and increasingly inoperable Constitution? One which allows this dangerous chicanery to continue - with impunity?

    I hate being lied to. Don't you? Even moreso when it is a so-called "leader" doing it to us - (Carbon Tax, Greens "mariage" and then Wilkie being dudded. And the Thomson affair dragging on and on, conveniently for her. How many more to come before some plug is pulled to stop her.

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