There are really a few parts to this. With society today, it is...

  1. 22,698 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    There are really a few parts to this. With society today, it is just unbelievable that Andrew Johns could be so dumb as to make a statement like that. It is just dumb and stupid and this is the price he is paying for his stupidity. I tend to think that this is just an honest mistake. i honestly think it wasn't said with racist thoughts.

    I believe it was an honest mistake because in sport, a statement like that can be commonly used. It is so so common for an opposition player/coach to say:

    we must smash the fat c
    we must smash the big c
    we must smash the little c
    we must smash the c
    we must smash those c

    And unfortunately in this case Johns has mistakenly said "you must smash (or something like that) the black c.

    What i am getting at is i am confident Johns didn't have racist intentions in his speech. It was merely a very poorly worded phrase which in a politically correct world and as it is obviously offensive to black people, he should not have said it. He really should have known better.

    It looks as though Tahu was unwilling to listen to Johns' explanation or any other staff members. Personally, i think this all could have been avoided and it is difficult to believe that 2 people that have had such a long history together couldn't have worked it out before it naturally blowing up in the media and causing the parties concerned any more grief. Tahu will gain a lot for making his stance. For me, I'm just surprised that 2 ex team mates couldn't sort out their differences first. If it were an issue with Tahu, I can't see why he couldn't consult Johns about it. Rugby league is about mateship and surely these two must have been good mates, considering he is a parramatta coach too. It is not that i am saying it should have been swept under the carpet, but the whole incident of Tahu pulling out, Johns getting sacked (in reality) and the game going through a crisis is something that is not needed.

    The sad thing is, I am sure Johns has the upmost respect for Inglis and Tahu. His poor choice of words and stupidity has let him down big time.
    Just my opinion.
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