Interesting that you thought "we" was some sort of royal thing,...

  1. 15,955 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 468
    Interesting that you thought "we" was some sort of royal thing, and not the "me and my business colleagues", which seemed fairly transparent.
    Also interesting that you felt the need to flaunt some sort of CV credential link.

    I would say Tate-ism isnt really all it is cracked up to be if you still need to juxtapose your self worth against an anonymous poster that is only engaging with you in an argument about a 3rd party.

    Finally again, for today, best wishes, and again, I do mean it.

    Dont forget that the only reason we are having this conversation is because someone you look up to is showing signs of failure, so you have gone out of your way to try and fortify the pedestal.

    None of the posters on this thread have any reason to wish you individually any harm, but you seem to be taking it really personally, and that isnt the intention, at least not on my part.
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