LKO 0.00% $1.00 lakes blue energy nl

Fair point, yet let's judge Dan on his record in his time - Bans...

  1. 330 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 202
    Fair point, yet let's judge Dan on his record in his time

    - Bans conventional onshore conventional gas on zero scientific basis
    - implements retroactive legislation to protect himself and his government from lakes oil law suit and fails
    - continues to and is continuing to try to change the rules of the game to try and avoid the lakes oil law suit, unconsionable behaviour!
    - commissions a desk top study into onshore gas to support his position at significant cost to the tax payer, while all the time commercial businesses are willing to conduct in field gas exploration at thief own cost!
    - Stands firm on environmental platform, fracking is bad for the environment, we will not risk our environment! We will however import fracked gas from QLD because the environment is not really that important to us, unless there is votes in it for us!
    - facing a power shortage due to the shut down of hazzlewood he imports diesel generators to make up the short fall wtf!
    - pays out $1 billion on the East / West with out any work done yep I blame his liberal predecessors for the contract) then 2 years later he proposes a very similar solution with a new name wtf!

    Let's not talk about the cost of gas and electricity and the impact this is having on both businesses and joe consumer. Yet all Dan wants to do us blame the federal Liberal government.

    I'm not sure what he will claim as his success stories in his time in office, but I'm sure he will claim something!
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