To get back on topic, I see Andrews is now going to increase...

  1. 422 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 16
    To get back on topic, I see Andrews is now going to increase payroll tax coverage to a list of Independant schools.
    Note well, the State system would collapse without the independant and faith based educational institutions.
    Like any business entity, if you fail to pass on increased costs of operating, eventually you go broke.
    So the end consumers who are being targeted by Andrews with his new taxes, are Mum's and Dad's with kids in private schools and renters of residential real estate.
    If ever a segment of our community deserved assistance in life, it would surely be these two segments.
    But not in Andrews Victoria.
    I must have missed it, but I never saw where he introduced payroll tax to the Victorian Union movement. With the likes of the UFU secretary on close to $500,000.00 per annum. Surely this not for profit sector is a missed opportunity of repairing his budget. We know they can afford it without hitting up the workers, and we also know they would still vote for him.

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