Angela Merkel retired

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    An example of a politician who during the course of her service was often maligned, abused, but also loved and respected by other world leaders and as you can see, she saw her duty as a service to her country, which did not entitle her to the riches and advantages we see so many Western leaders and politicians derive from their duty 'to the people'


    Germany bidfarewell to Angela Merkel with six minutes of warm applause.

    The Germans electedher to lead them, and she led 80 million Germans for 18 years with competence,skill, dedication and sincerity. During the eighteen years of herleadership of the authority in her country, no complaints or allegedtransgressions were recorded against her. She did not assign asecretary to any of her relatives. She did not claim that she wasthe maker of glories. She made no "perfect" phone calls,nor did she try to get people to do unlawful things for her. Shedid not get millions out of her position, nor did anyone cheer her life withgifts and support. She did not receive charters, pledges orspurious nominations for a Nobel Prize. She did not fight those whopreceded her. She did not utter nonsense and she didnot criticise other world leaders or appear in the alleys of Berlin for 'photoopportunities'.

    It is AngelicaMerkel, the woman who was dubbed "The Lady of the World" andwas described as the equivalent of six million men.

    Yesterday, Merkel left the party leadership positionand handed it over to those after her and Germany and its people in the bestcondition.

    The reaction of the Germans was unprecedented in thehistory of the German people. Throughout the nation people everywherewent out to the balconies of their houses and applauded her spontaneously forsix continuous minutes of warm applause.

    Germany stood as one body bidding farewell to theleader of their nation, a Chemical Physicist who was not tempted by fashion orbright lights, fame and celebrity. She did not buy real estate, expensivecars, luxury yachts and private planes, knowing that she grew up knowing wantin the austerity of former East Germany. She left her post afterleaving Germany as one of the world's top countries.

    Over eighteenyears she did not change her personal style often wearing old clothes. At a Pressconference, a female journalist asked her: "We notice that your suit isrepeated, don't you have another?" She replied: "I am agovernment employee, not a model."

    At another press conference, they asked her: "Doyou have housemaids who clean the house, prepare meals and so on?"
    Her answer was:"No, I do not have female workers and I do not need them. Myhusband and I do this work at home every day."

    Another journalist asked her: "Who washes yourclothes, you or your husband?" She answered: "Iarrange the clothes, and my husband is the one who operates the washing-machineand it is usually at night, because off-peak electricity is available. The most important thing is to be considerate to the neighbours althoughthe wall separating our apartment from the neighbours is quite thick.

    She went on to say,"I expected you to ask me about the successes and failures in our work inthe government."

    Mrs. Merkel lives in an ordinary apartment like anyother citizen. She still lives in the apartment she lived in before beingelected Prime Minister of Germany. She does not intend to leave itand does not own a luxury villa, servants, swimming pools and gardens.

    Merkel, the PrimeMinister of Germany, is leaving Germany with the largest economy in Europe.

    Howcan one not respect her?

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