angry student mob assaults julie bishop!

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    Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has been mobbed by angry student protesters during an appearance at the University of Sydney, as her fellow cabinet members faced similar picketing interstate.

    The 57-year-old deputy Liberal leader was pushed and shoved in the melee as outnumbered security struggled to contain the student group.

    Video of yesterday's incident shows Ms Bishop making a bee line for the exit amid shouts of "no cuts, no fees, no corporate universities" and "shame on you".

    Police were called in when protests spilled outside the building attended by Bishop, where students gathered with placards and banners.

    University Student Representatives' Council officer Eleanor Morely said around 100 students gathered to protest measures announced in Tuesday's Budget, which could see universities set their own tuition fees for courses from January 2016.
    "We think Liberal politicians have no place in our university campuses," she said.
    "They've launched an attack on students… We don't think they should be able to come onto our campuses without having to answer [us]."

    Other footage obtained by SBS showed Ms Bishop being heckled by students yesterday as she prepared to address a crowd at the opening of the Australia-China Relations Institute at University of Technology Sydney.

    One protestor accused the minister of "not giving a s—t about ordinary students".

    "Your attempts to attack university students are going to leave working class… students in poverty," she said.

    Ms Morley said protestors also targeted Education Minister Christopher Pyne, who was speaking at Adelaide University, and Treasurer Joe Hockey, who addressed LNP members in Brisbane.

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