Angus on Insiders - Did anyone else choke on their cornflakes ?, page-42

  1. 46,484 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 642
    you reckon..... and I reckon you're wrong in your responses.

    1. small fees started under Keating and slowly increased, but still reasonably affordable, under Howard. no change under Rudd/Gillard but Abbott wanted to stop funding universities. he wanted unis to pay the govt instead. it was Abbott who caused university fees to become such a drag on uni students and grads that it damaged the economy.
    2. at least Rudd had the reason of managing to save the nation from recession during the GFC. Abbott/Hockey had no cause other than his own incompetence and his stupid ideas about reducing govt expenditure. Abbott et al set about job shedding the public service and ended up paying much much more for consultants. + he spent like a fool. look at the chart of debt and you can see the folly of Abbott et al.
    3. the structural deficit Abbott created was a signal cause of the4 budget failure to ever see a surplus.
    4. "pure fiction" you say..... but Abbott froze GP medicare payments (yes started by Gillard for a single year) and this caused GPs to charge extra so they could maintain their business of providing health care. people then started going to the hospital Emergency for coughs and symptoms they could understand (walking wounded). this caused Eds to be come overloaded and resulted in Eds being so busy that Ambulances were forced to wait with their non-urgent cases. ergo ambulance ramping. --- nothing fictitious about my point.
    5. housing prices were boosted by increasing demand and Morrison encouraged it to the nth degree. this caused new builds to go on the back burner as supplies became more costly and builders struggled to cut costs to keep some money for their business, similar to GPs. builders went bust under Morrison and continues to this day as costs have become prohibitively expensive.

    you're wrong UT because you didn't bother to check facts. next time why not do a bit of research before posting.
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