"Our agencies need to be able to develop technologies that can...

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    "Our agencies need to be able to develop technologies that can bring down emissions outside of electricity as well as integrating [them into] the electricity grid and making sure we continue to see those emissions reductions, and that means a whole new range of technologies," he said.

    But when questioned about the reliability of carbon capture and storage, Minister Taylor has repeated the claim that Australia has the biggest carbon capture and storage project in the world, as evidence that the technology is working.

    "Let's be clear, carbon capture and storage is already working. We've got it working in Australia, we've got the biggest project in the world in Australia," he said.

    And he's correct that we have the world's biggest carbon capture and storage project.

    But here's what he's not saying."

    Angus Taylor has been a strident supporter of increasing CSG production, especially concerning the Santos project at Narrabri, NSW, and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).

    His Covid-recovery Plan is focussed on ensuring CSG and CCS get top billing and he has orchestrated changes to the ARENA licence to include these in the Charter so that CSG and CCS and Gas Peaking plants can be subsidised.

    Subsidising private corporations is contrary to the conservative ideology and the Liberal Party policy. However never let the facts get in the way of Covid-recovery it seems - and fair enough.

    This article on CCS however shows that there are facts that Mr Taylor is conveniently ignoring.


    While it true that CCS has been trialed.....

    "There are several CCS demonstration projects underway and also some major commercial CCS projects proposed for Australia.

    For more information, visit the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science.

    The NSW Government is providing financial research support through competitive grants programs and is also partnering with organisations and companies including:

    • Centennial Coal
    • Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
    • Newcastle Institute of Energy and Resources (NIER)
    • CO2CRC Limited
    • University of Newcastle
    • Mineral Carbonation International
    • University of NSW

    The NSW Government is also a member of the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute (Global CCS Institute) which works collaboratively to accelerate the worldwide commercial deployment of CCS at scale. The Institute connects parties around the world to address issues and learn from each other through sharing knowledge, advocacy and by assisting CCS projects. The cross-cutting membership is comprised of government, industry, research organisations and other interested stakeholders."

    CCS is yet to be economically viable. --- CCS needs substantial subsidisation to cover the costs of this inefficient technology

    The CSIRO says:

    "Our research is addressing the challenges of achieving inexpensive and efficient CO2 capture in the Australian context. We are involved in the development, commissioning and operation of PCC pilot plants in Australia and overseas. This program is supported by extensive laboratory research aimed at developing more cost-effective capture technologies that are applicable in Australia.

    What we're doing:

    • We are working to make PCC cheaper and more efficient so it is commercially viable
    • We have constructed and demonstrated PCC pilot plants in Australia and China
    • Laboratory research has identified improved efficiencies from testing more than 100 novel solvents, ionic liquids, solid absorbents and enzyme technologies.

    CCS has been successful in becoming the first fully operational CCS project in Aus at the Chevron Gorgon project with CCS being commenced only 1 year ago.

    "Chevron Australia has announced that it has commenced the capture and storage of carbon dioxide at the company’s mammoth Gorgon gas project, a milestone labelled ‘better late than never’ after being beset with delays.

    The Gorgon carbon capture project has been under development since 2009, with natural caverns being prepared under Barrow Island and was supposed to commence storing carbon emissions in 2016.

    The carbon capture project has faced difficulties, and delays, relating to earlier installed valves and injection equipment that were found to be prone to leakage.

    “We are pleased to reach the first milestone of safely starting the operation of the Gorgon carbon dioxide injection system, one of the world’s largest greenhouse gas mitigation projects ever undertaken by industry,” Chevron Australia’s managing director Al Williams said."

    So this points to the opinion that CCS is as yet unproven and so far not cost effective.

    Lets put aside political differences to analyse whether CCS is viable and could eventually not require subsidisation.

    Yes Renewable energy has been subsidised, so therefore its reasonable to allow subsidisation until it becomes viable. Yet the research on CCS is as yet inconclusive as to the long-term safety of CCS. The security of CCS sites would need to be assured as, over years, the seal of such deposits would weaken and thus mean it becomes a toxic legacy akin to nuclear toxicity. CCS sites would need expensive security over many hundreds of years.


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