TLG 2.60% 37.5¢ talga group ltd

re: Ann: 110% Increase in Nunasvaara Graphite... Now this what...

  1. 1,775 Posts.
    re: Ann: 110% Increase in Nunasvaara Graphite...

    Now this what you call a resource, there for all to see.

    • Nunasvaara mineral resource increased 110% to 7.6Mt @ 24.4%
    graphitic carbon (“Cg”).
    • 5.6Mt @ 24.6% Cg classified Indicated.
    • Contained total graphite increased 123% to 1.8Mt.
    • Preliminary economic studies to commence in December.
    Talga Gold Limited (ASX: TLG; “Talga” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce the
    updated JORC Mineral Resource estimate for the 100% owned Nunasvaara graphite
    deposit in northern Sweden.
    The Indicated and Inferred estimate for Nunasvaara now totals 7.6 million tonnes at
    24.4% Cg when applying a 10% Cg cut-off, a 110% increase in size (tonnage) over
    the previous estimate, with 5.6 million tonnes at 24.6% Cg in the Indicated
    category. Details of the Mineral Resource are shown in Table 1 and parameters relevant
    to the estimation are provided in Appendix 1.
    This estimate has been calculated by qualified independent consultant CoxsRocks Pty
    Ltd and is reported in accordance with the Australasian Code for Reporting of
    Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (2004), the “JORC” Code.
    The growth in the resource and upgrading of the majority of the tonnes to Indicated
    status follows Talga's successful maiden drilling campaign of July, and reflects additional
    mineralisation defined along strike and down-dip of historic drilling (Fig 1). Total
    contained graphite has increased 123% to 1.85 million tonnes, more than double the
    size of the previously reported estimate (3.6Mt @ 23% Cg containing 828,000 tonnes
    reported ASX:TLG 28 Feb 2012).
    Graphite mineralisation remains open along strike and at depth, with geophysical data
    and mapping suggesting potential for further expansion. In addition the assay results of
    a recent rock geochemical program are pending and will be reviewed with the aim of
    drilling extension targets in conjunction with geotechnical drilling for mining studies.
    Managing Director, Mark Thompson said “Our targeted upgrade in size and status of this
    major graphite resource to support a 20 year open-cut mine life has been exceeded by a
    considerable margin. The deposit represents a significant new source of graphite not
    only for Europe, which in 2011 had to import approximately 170,000 tonnes natural
    graphite*, but is one of the largest amounts of contained graphite defined by JORC or
    NI43-101 codes anywhere in the world (Fig 2). The increased status and size of the
    resource will be utilised in preliminary economic studies due to commence in
    *source; “Natural & Synthetic Graphite:Global Industry Markets & Outlook, 8th Edition 2012, Roskill.
    8 NOVEMBER 2012 ASX: TLG
    110% increase in Nunasvaara graphite JORC
    mineral resource to 7.6Mt @ 24.4% graphite
    ASX Code: TLG
    Talga Gold Ltd
    ABN 32 138 405 419
    1st Floor, 2 Richardson St,
    West Perth, WA 6005
    T: +61 8 9481 6667
    F: +61 8 9322 1935
    Corporate Information
    ASX Code TLG
    Shares on issue 53.30m
    Options (unlisted) 4.85m
    52 week high A$0.77
    52 week low A$0.12
    Cash (at 31 Oct) A$2.6m
    Company Directors
    Sean Neary
    Non-Executive Director &
    Mark Thompson
    Managing Director
    Piers Lewis
    Non-Executive Director &
    Company Secretary
    Classification Tonnes
    Contained Graphite
    Indicated 5.6 24.6 1,377,600
    Inferred 2.0 24.0 480,000
    Total 7.6 24.4 1,857,600
    Table 1. Nunasvaara November 2012 Mineral Resource Estimate (10% Cg cut-off grade).
    The Nunasvaara graphite deposit is located in northern
    Sweden approximately 50km east of the city of Kiruna
    (Fig 3). Nunasvaara is one of several graphite deposits
    that occur over 15km of strike within Talga's 100%
    owned Vittangi project. Additional graphite has been
    identified on Talga’s adjacent Mörttjärn and Maltosrova
    prospects, located 15km from the Nunasvaara deposit.
    Talga also has a further three graphite projects in north
    Sweden that host multiple prospects and deposits that
    may offer operational synergies with Nunasvaara.
    At Nunasvaara graphite is hosted by meta-argillite that
    occurs between dolerite and mafic volcaniclastics of the
    Proterozoic Vittangi Greenstone Group. The graphite
    unit outcrops and dips approximately 70° to the west
    and north with an average 20m true width over at least
    1300m strike. Locally the graphite unit attains grades up
    to 44% Cg. Preliminary petrography indicates graphite
    mineralisation is microcrystalline to crystalline with a
    size range of <10-300 microns. Quantitative data on size
    distribution will be determined as part of metallurgical
    testwork to be undertaken in the preliminary economic
    study. Graphite has been identified over 15km of strike
    with approximately 8% of this strike length drill tested to
    For further information, please contact:
    8 NOVEMBER 2012 ASX: TLG
    Talga Gold Ltd.
    Mark Thompson
    Managing Director
    +61 (08) 9481 6667
    [email protected]
    Warrick Hazeldine/Greg Galton
    Cannings Purple +61 (08) 6314 6300
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    Note: Source TMR Advanced Graphite Projects Index of JORC &
    NI43-101 mineral resources Oct 2012 and Company Reports.
    Deposits > 0.2Mt plotted.
    Fig 1. Nunasvaara Indicated resource block model Nov 2012
    Fig 2. Contained Graphite vs Resource Grade Peer Comparison.
    8 NOVEMBER 2012 ASX: TLG
    Fig 4. Talga’s graphite and iron deposits in the Vittangi area.
    Fig 3. Talga tenement locations, graphite projects and established transport infrastructure, Sweden.
    8 NOVEMBER 2012 ASX: TLG
    Appendix One
    Resource Estimation Methodology - Nunasvaara Graphite Deposit: Indicated & Inferred
    Data used in the Nunasvaara Graphite Resource Estimate comprised 39 approximately NQ diameter diamond holes
    (3646 total metres) and 12 costeans (415 metres total length) along the entire strike length of the deposit (1300
    metres). Drill hole spacing was on nominal 50 metre sections. The Indicated resource is estimated to a maximum
    vertical depth of 125 metres and the Inferred resource is estimated to a maximum vertical depth of 165 metres.
    Talga drilled 19 holes for 1697 metres to infill and confirm historical drilling. Results of recent drilling compared
    favourably to historic drilling, with Talga’s new drilling extending the resource along strike and down dip and
    resulting in an increase in the confidence level.
    Analysis of all mineralised intervals from recent drilling was undertaken at the ALS-Chemex laboratory in Piteå,
    Sweden. Individual samples were typically taken over two metre sections of core. Certified reference materials
    were inserted every 23rd (Carbon CRM), 24th (Gold CRM) and 25th sample (Blank CRM) with satisfactory results
    obtained. Total S and total C were determined using a LECO analyser, with organic (graphitic) carbon determined
    by first digesting the sample in dilute hydrochloric acid prior to determination with the LECO analyser. Au, Pt and
    Pd were determined using a 30g lead fire assay with ICP-AES finish. A further suite of 48 elements were analysed
    using a four acid digest with an ICP-MS finish.
    The Swedish RT90 coordinate system was utilised for the drilling, with new and historic drill collars surveyed using
    an RTK-GPS. Talga completed systematic bulk density determinations on drill core from the recent program
    (n=147) with the average bulk density of the mineralised unit being 2.65 g/cm3. A bulk density of 2.60g/cm3 was
    used for the resource estimate.
    Interpretation on section was completed with the outlines wireframed together to form coherent validated shapes.
    The grade estimation method was ID2 of values lying within validated wireframes (solids) with only the assays from
    the individual wireframes/solids used for the interpolation.
    Parent block sizes were set at 5m (x), 10m (y) and 5m (z), with the sub-cell size down to half of the parent cell size.
    The resource estimate has been classified based on data density, data quality, confidence in the geological
    interpretation and confidence in the estimation.
    8 NOVEMBER 2012 ASX: TLG
    Talga Gold (Talga) (ASX: “TLG”) is a diversified mineral explorer with a portfolio of graphite, iron, copper and gold
    projects in Sweden and Western Australia.
    Since listing in July 2010, Talga has been actively exploring its portfolio of gold projects in the Yilgarn and Pilbara
    regions of Western Australia. In 2011, Talga identified and subsequently acquired a number of graphite, iron and IOCG
    projects in Sweden.
    Talga wholly owns a portfolio of advanced and high grade graphite projects in the Kiruna Mineral District of northern
    Sweden, all within a 110km radius of the central Jalkunen project.
    The immediate focus is to advance multiple graphite projects towards development, with fast-tracking available due to
    the advantage of established quality infrastructure including power, road, rail and ports. Initially this will entail the
    expansion in size and upgrading of the categorisation of the existing high grade graphite resources published for
    Nunasvaara and Raitajärvi.
    Additionally, it is also the Company’s objective to complete drilling on a number of other projects, including the
    multiple JORC-code compliant exploration targets associated with the Jalkunen project.
    Talga owns 100% of six exploration permits in the Kiruna mineral district recognised as containing significant iron ore
    deposits with considerable growth upside based on historic drilling and JORC compliant resources and exploration
    targets. Talga’s strategy is to advance the iron ore projects within the area and at an appropriate stage consider options
    to commercialise these assets either in their own right or in conjunction with other parties.
    Talga is actively exploring high grade gold projects in the Yilgarn and Pilbara regions of Western Australia. Additionally
    the Company owns several copper-gold projects within it’s Sweden portfolio.
    Competent Person’s Statement
    The information in this report that relates to Exploration Results is based on information compiled and reviewed by Mr Darren Griggs and Mr
    Mark Thompson, who are members of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Mr Griggs and Mr Thompson are employees of the Company
    and have sufficient experience which is relevant to the activity to which is being undertaken to qualify as a "Competent Person" as de#ned in
    the 2004 Edition of the “Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves” (“JORC Code”). Mr
    Griggs and Mr Thompson consent to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on this information in the form and context in which it
    The information in this report that relates to Resource Estimation is based on information compiled and reviewed by Mr Simon Coxhell. Mr
    Coxhell is a consultant to the Company and a member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Mr Coxhell has sufficient
    experience relevant to the styles of mineralisation and types of deposits which are covered in this document and to the activity which he is
    undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as de#ned in the 2004 edition of the “Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results,
    Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves” (“JORC Code”). Mr Coxhell consents to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on this
    information in the form and context in which it appears.

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