14D 22.7% 2.7¢ 1414 degrees limited

Funny that. I was watching the National Press Club address where...

  1. 940 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 280
    Funny that. I was watching the National Press Club address where Angus was busy answering no questions put to him when 14D rang. Just a SPP courtesy call to make sure I got what was sent out to me. After the spiel they asked for feedback. I said I'm watching Angus Taylor right now and while there is mention of BESS, other forms on time-shifting grid-firming technologies apart from pumped hydro aren't getting a mention. Without govt policy explicitly supporting further research into this technology I don't think it's gonna fly. I was thanked for my feedback.

    Maybe that's why they're moving to BESS... I dunno. BESS does have merit and looks financially viable. Perhaps that will fund future work to refine TESS.
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