BLY 0.00% $2.91 boart longyear group ltd

Ann: 2009 First Half Results and Capital Raising , page-41

  1. 421 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 187
    re: Ann: 2009 First Half Results and Capital ...

    if you have no capital but would like to purchase more and presuming you don't have a margin loan Leveraged Equities do a margin loan over BLY at 65% if you really want to stay in etc.

    I'm not a numbers guru but our shares are currently 44c, then the amount of shares double halving the value to 22c each plus then an additional benefit for the reduction in interest costs so I would have thought the 27c on offer could be the rough mark. Would really love a numbers guru to give a better informed figure
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Currently unlisted public company.

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