FLN 3.03% 17.0¢ freelancer limited

Ann: 2017 Full Year Results Presentation, page-48

  1. 10,450 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 143
    I recommend viewers read this article by
    Mike Cannon-Brookes warns Atlassian may move headquarters from Australia
    By Cara Waters13 March 2018 — 1:05pm

    This article should give readers a good clue of what is going on in our economy now and how many people will lose their jobs and these people will never be employed again as before.

    Our main problem as a country is we have many Politicians and their parties living in the past horse and buggy days and can't see their policies won't save their equally backward voters.
    Fln will benefit from this shift.
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17.0¢ 17.0¢ 17.0¢ $23 133

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2 74867 17.0¢

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17.5¢ 4710 1
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