"BDO has been hired to conduct a valuation of TIVAN. A new overall patent is being submitted. It is possible that at some time in the future,the TNG subsidiary which holds TIVAN technology licenses may be floated on a relevant stock exchange like Singapore".
Scary what TIVAN might be worth. Disruptive technology does not come around too often. Look what Netflix has done!? Some interesting reading below..
The father of 'disruption' theory explains why Netflix is the perfect example -- and Uber isn't
To explain, Christensen points out two big tech companies: one that is disruptive (Netflix), and one that is not (Uber).
Let’s look at Netflix first.
The primary reason why Netflix is disruptive is that, when it launched its mail-in subscription service, it didn’t go after the core customers of competitors like Blockbuster. Those customers rented new releases “on-demand,” two things Netflix originally didn’t provide. Christensen claims that, initially, Netflix only appealed to a few customer groups: “movie buffs who didn’t care about new releases, early adopters of DVD players, and online shoppers.”
For Christensen, this is a hallmark of disruption. A disruptive company targets segments of the population that have been overlooked by its competitors, delivering an inferior (but more tailored) alternative, often at a lower price.
Then, eventually, a disruptive company like Netflix moves upmarket. It keeps the advantages it had at the beginning, and adds the things mainstream customers want. All of a sudden, there is no reason to have Blockbuster anymore. https://www.*.com.au/the-father-of-...t-example-and-uber-isnt-2015-11?r=US&IR=T