STI 0.00% 0.2¢ stirling products limited

Still here, not much to post about, nor anything comforting or...

  1. 187 Posts.
    Still here, not much to post about, nor anything comforting or wise to say, given the circumstances.

    Unfortunately I got it wrong and now along with many other?s, are no doubt about to pay a very significant price for believing in the ?Products?, the ?Team?, and that eventually, as they started to demonstrate some actual earnings, along with the obvious potential for much larger earnings, that the Aussie Share market would give them the benefit of doubt, with some support of the share price, (and that didn?t have to be very much at STI?s level), then enabling further capital raising to make most of, (but likely maybe not all), product development and subsequent sales work.

    And yes, whilst I have often posted that emotions do not belong in share trading, I?m probably more highly peeved, along with being more highly disappointed in the both myself and the share market, than I have ever been before.

    Regarding all the other current possible allegations, talk of action etc., I can only say that far more information is needed before any form of serious contemplations of any action could be made, which can only come from the examination and reporting of the voluntary administrator. Even any contemplations by ASIC would no doubt depend on anything uncovered and reported by him and that is assuming ASIC would pursue anything anyway.

    If nothing else I would like to know or understand, where STI?s businesses actually stood toward the end. e.g. What sales were actually being achieved, i.e. the initial contract costs/ v?s expenditure to price from the Canadian plant, the sales of Stirling products particularly the 3M and Bandage sales, and yes even down to face creams and baby wipes, and any initial sales or even order?s for Kidneyvital etc. I?d also like to know the actual costs v?s sales of Telemedcare products/contracts, trials, potential contracts, and the input or lack there of and/or payments to/from their original parent company/now partner Medcare and their investors, etc. Adn yes payemnts to CEO's directors etc. e.g. How close or how far away were they from possibly making it work ?

    Unfortunately so many details we didn?t get to find out before going belly up, and I?m more than aware that that is very much part of the criticism and complaint, both from others and myself, who also could not get these details.

    However, I still point out, regardless of who you blame, had the share price not been continually slam dunked by ? controlling interests/short term traders/possibly even the opposition, every time capital raising was talked about, and then held at an unsustainably controlled level, preventing further capital raising, (as I strongly suggest had even half the amount wanted been raised), STI would have made it.

    And whilst STI still has considerable value in a large number of patents, some contracts, pharmacy plant, buildings and some stock etc., unless sales were/are significant in some area : i.e. Stirling health pharmacy sales to make it alone worth saving, unfortunately, I would have to presume all would become a fire sale and therefore vastly diminish in value.

    Now on top of this there will be substantial costs of administration, and if I remember rightly some further contractual obligations are about to kick in shortly, if not already, regarding further payments on the pharmaceutical plant, which if continually producing would have been paid for by that production, and more, and there may also possibly be some other?s relating to e.g. support for the Kidney foundation etc., which would likely render quick sales necessary in attempts to clear all debt. Hope I'm wrong on this one.

    Hence, whilst still hopeful of some recovery, I find it difficult to not believe my rather large investment in STI is likely gone completely and like many other shareholder?s with who I empathise, I must suffer the financial pain.

    Regardless, what has happened, has happened and nothing pretty much short of a miraculous take up by a very cashed up millionaire type savy investor, (and I wish I was one, because I would still do it), is likely to change the end result. We will only know once the administrator has had the time to establish all the facts, collate the information, assess the true financial state and report on it.

    I?m further highly peeved to think some other, possibly even major pharma that could have bought STI before with what to them would almost be pocket change, may still buy for a pittance the patent rights to the HDA device, Telemedcare, possibly Immunoxcel and Kidney Vital etc. Hardly seems fair with the time and investment STI put into establishing it. There again I recall posting probably over twelve months ago, the possibility of allowing a small company to develop products and patents before buying them out for small change or letting them go broke, and picking them up/ or their product/s up for a steal. Perhaps I should have believed in that post back then.

    And whilst the big pharamas did attend and display interest particularly in the HDA device, but made no real attempts to offer possible future memorandums of understanding with the on going development of these products, perhaps they know or knew something we didn?t ? Or, perhaps they really didn?t want it or just wanted it to die a natural death becoming then no threat of competition, e.g. especially given the initial asking price and percentage cut wanted by STI for the HDA device to the larger pharmas at the time etc., who knows ?

    As to the postings allegedly from another site by employee's whilst you could never be sure, they could possibly be genuine based on the incorrect gramatical construction which does appear to match the charcacterists of Rusian/Ukranian people's sentence construction who have poor to moderate English written skills. Regardless makes no difference to the situation and if true I feel for them as well.

    For myself in the future it has definitely dulled my appetite for risking my hard earned cash in very small pharmas with apparent great products. This is a pity, because that?s exactly what it takes, namely belief and money, for them to get started and succeed. All current large successful pharmas started the same way.

    Mistakes I apparently made include that regardless of your own substantial positive research on the products, the obvious need for these products, and even positive test and trial results, along with their potential to earn substantially large amounts of cash, don?t put so much faith in the product/s alone.

    And certainly, if large and continual negative sentiment continues, regardless of incorrect statements and allegations being exposed, involving CEO, Director or company management, be very wary of investing at all.

    And regardless, if investing in a company which is trading at around one cent or less, makes it almost a no, no, because they are so easily manipulated, slam dunked and controlled by other?s.

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