4DS 2.94% 3.5¢ 4ds memory limited

Ann: 4DS Granted 29th USA Patent, page-18

  1. 6,262 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1532
    Like Wilbert and Howard know to be true, they could sell the technology as it stands today.

    We were told this by the directors themselves at the AGM. It confirms something I have suspected for quite some time.

    Tying the bow around the technology is what is happening now. Polish it off and square it away, ready for the talks.

    I also suspect Wilbert is making tactical approaches to his vast network of industry contacts, particularly those in positions of both technical and business expertise - ie: the type of people who can sign NDA's and have their minions and boffins validate the "show and tell" chips.

    It's either that.
    Or zero. And I don't think Wilbert would have joined the board as chair if he thought we had zero.
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