CPM 0.00% 4.8¢ cooper metals limited

Ann: 50m @ 1.32% Cu intercept at Brumby Ridge Cu-Au Prospect, page-73

  1. 1,121 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 6462
    Around 20% of the shares traded today. Some might have been bought and sold of course but most traded above 24 cents. Guess that might put a bit of a floor under the share price for a while. The prospect of new results, including assays confirming the pXRF grades, should provide a bit more support.
    The drill results released today exceed, from memory, the Trafalgar results that sent Hammer flying a few years ago.
    I like the sound of breccia hosted mineralisation, potentially more extensive than veins and narrow shoots. The proof of concept for the geophysics and geochemistry provides more incentive to carefully check out the other undrilled anomalies at Brumby and elsewhere.
    DYOR Not investment advice.
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