AZY antipa minerals limited

It is indeed a little intriguing that the recent capital raising...

  1. 2,679 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1555
    It is indeed a little intriguing that the recent capital raising includes funds to drill PM3. It makes one wonder what the visuals were at PM1 and PM2, and whether they were at least sufficiently encouraging to feel compelled to test PM3..

    And of course the other big-picture, speculative questions are:

    What is quietly happening at Parklands?
    Have they done much more surface sampling there this season?
    And has this potentially extended or duplicated the prospect (eg. on the mirror image geological structure ~ 5km to the east of Parklands)?
    Are there drill preparations in progress at Parklands?
    When might drilling be started?
    When might we get first results?

    And what of the $7M additional expenditure Newmont have to make to secure their base equity in the Wilki JV Project?
    Are they spending hell-for-leather to achieve this?
    And what results are due from this work?
    Or have they already made a decision to keep costs down, cut their losses, and exit - at the risk of there being another Telfer at Parklands, which would have been a game-changer had they stayed in?

    One could die waiting of course.. but I think we may have answers to a lot of those questions before this field season comes to a close in November.
    Last edited by Onceover: 03/07/24
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