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Ann: ADDRESS: PCT: Precinct 2013 AGM - Chairman a

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    • Summary: ADDRESS: PCT: Precinct 2013 AGM - Chairman and CEO Address
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    07/11/2013 11:41
    REL: 1141 HRS Precinct Properties New Zealand Limited
    ADDRESS: PCT: Precinct 2013 AGM - Chairman and CEO Address
    Precinct Properties New Zealand Limited Annual General Meeting
    10:00am (New Zealand time), Thursday 7 November 2013
    Stamford Plaza Hotel, 22-26 Albert Street, Auckland
    Chairman's Opening address
    Good morning everyone, and on behalf of the Precinct Board I am delighted to
    welcome you to this year's AGM.
    It is two years since we last met in Auckland. And in reflecting on the gains
    that have been made since then, I am reminded of just how far the company has
    Earnings have recovered and are now growing. The operational performance of
    the portfolio has been a highlight. We have made some exciting acquisitions;
    and we are in a strong position for continued gains.
    Board and Executive
    Before going any further, let me introduce your Board and Executive Team here
    with me today.
    I would also like to welcome our company representatives here today from our
    auditors, Ernst & Young, our tax advisors, KPMG, our solicitors, Russell
    McVeagh and of course many Precinct staff members.
    During the year we said farewell to Anthony Beverley as a director. Anthony
    had been with us from 1997. So he had seen us move to a new structure and,
    only just over a year ago, to a new name. We thank him for a highly valued
    contribution and wish him the best for the future.
    I would also like to welcome Chris Judd who joined the Board last year and
    Mohammed Al Nuaimi who was appointed as a director last month. Chris is the
    head of property funds management for AMP Capital in Australia and brings a
    wealth of experience in property, funds management and capital markets. He is
    a valuable addition to the team.
    Mohammed joins the Board replacing Mohamed Alhameli and is appointed by our
    Manager, AMP Haumi Management Limited.
    Strong Results
    This was a year of strong gains. We achieved not only a strong financial
    result but also strong gains in all areas of the business.
     A net profit after tax of $157.5 million was significantly up on last year
    and dramatically ahead of the preceding four years.
    This profit included a $39.7 million non-operating deferred tax gain. But
    pleasingly it also reflected a near 14% increase in operating profit and a
    solid $46.3 million revaluation gain.
    Supporting these results were some good acquisitions which have provided
    strategic value and earnings accretion.
    These acquisitions in Auckland now mean Precinct has a unique footprint on
    the city's prime downtown waterfront, while continuing to enjoy good returns
    and having good options for its future use. The nature of these acquisitions
    is similar to our acquisition last year of Bowen Campus whereby the asset
    presents development potential but provides a secure holding income.
    It was also really pleasing to see our $75 million redevelopment of the ANZ
    Centre, completed on budget and on time.
    As you will recall, this redevelopment was an important part of securing a
    landmark occupier and ensuring the building continued to be rated as one of
    Auckland's best. It fitted with our belief that where our clients thrive we
    thrive. We were thrilled that the quality of the work undertaken at this
    site, both in the building and in the way it was integrated with the
    surrounding St Patrick's Square area, saw us win the Supreme Award at the
    2013 Rider Levett Bucknall Property Council Awards.
    Well done to all concerned and I encourage all of you who are present today
    to take the opportunity to look through the lobby following our meeting
    today. We would also like to offer those present here today the opportunity
    to enjoy a coffee inside the ANZ Centre lobby something I will provide more
    detail on following today's formal business.
    We upgraded our earnings forecast during the period due to recent
    acquisitions and increasing occupancy. This allowed us to increase our
    dividend in the period by around 1.6% to 5.12 cents per share.
    Insurance Savings
    Some other operational gains that might have been less obvious were
    nevertheless important. Our clients have a focus on total occupancy costs
    which includes insurance premiums. Reducing insurance premiums directly
    benefits our clients and ensures our portfolio remains competitive.
    Over recent years all property owners have had concerns about rising
    insurance costs. But by taking a proactive approach with international
    insurers we secured a 12% reduction in our insurance premium costs.
    Importantly the savings were achieved without compromising the scope of our
    This saving was the result of building better relationships with our insurers
    and ensuring they understand our approach to managing risk including the
    seismic performance of our assets. The quality of our portfolio, our
    commitment to quality seismic assessments and to high ratings for seismic
    performance has without question helped in securing this saving. Seismic
    performance is an important area for our clients and one where we take our
    responsibilities seriously.
    We inspected all our buildings following the two earthquakes in Wellington in
    August, and I am pleased to say that none sustained damage to their
    structural integrity.
    As a board, we were proud of the highly professional way our management team
    responded at the time, contacting all clients immediately with updates and
    support.  This reflected the commitment to best practice that is part of the
    Precinct culture.
    Financial position
    The growth in value of our portfolio, to approximately $1.64 billion,
    reflected a continuing positive turn-around in market valuations and the
    acquisitions we made during the year.
    Consistent with the valuation gains and the change in deferred tax, Precincts
    net tangible assets increased from 88 cents per share to 99 cents per share
    an increase of around 12%
    Overall, our 16.3% total return for the year exceeded the benchmark New
    Zealand-listed property sector return (excluding Precinct) of 15.8%.
    This out-performance of the market saw approximately two-thirds of the
    maximum performance fee paid. We believe that this close alignment of
    management fees with company performance is continuing to deliver good
    outcomes for shareholders.
    Equity Issue
    Most shareholders will be aware that post balance date Precinct undertook an
    equity issue. We were pleased with the success of this equity-raising.
    Consistent with our target, we raised $50 million through a placement and a
    further $12.5 million in a share purchase plan.
    Scott will shortly speak to the exciting opportunities we see ahead through
    developing the potential of the Downtown Shopping Centre and redeveloping
    Bowen Campus.
    The capital we have raised ensures our gearing levels remain conservative and
    position the business to deliver on these medium term opportunities within
    the portfolio.
    When issuing any capital the key consideration for us is to treat all
    shareholders fairly and to consider the impact on shareholder value both for
    investors who participate in the offer and those who do not participate.
    After careful consideration and reflecting on the size of the issue, the
    level of discount relative to recent trading price and issue costs, we
    adopted a structure we considered represented the fairest balance between
    equitable participation, issue costs and risks of dilution to
    non-participating shareholders.
    Although a placement and Share Purchase Plan was used, all shareholders were
    given the opportunity to participate as close as possible to pro rata to
    their shareholdings. Shareholders with holdings less than around 250,000
    shares were able to participate at least pro rata through the share purchase
    plan. We took steps to ensure that larger retail shareholders for whom the
    Share Purchase Plan maximum of $15,000 would not provide pro rata
    participation, were given the opportunity to participate in the $50 million
    placement through direct contact via brokers.
    The cost of issuing this amount of equity under a rights issue would have
    been significantly higher. In addition the value of the rights given the
    relatively small amount of capital raised and the low level of discount would
    have been negligible, and likely outweighed by the cost of brokerage.
    Finally, it was very pleasing to see strong support from our existing
    institutional shareholders in the placement and around a quarter of our
    retail shareholders participating in the offer, supporting the company and
    its strategy.
    Outlook and dividend
    We see continued scope for earnings growth; underpinned by improved
    occupancy, minimal expiry risk and market rental growth.
    This expectation along with our recent acquisitions has led to our
    anticipated dividend for 2014 increasing by 5.5% to 5.4 cents per share.
    Shareholders can expect a 2014 first quarter dividend of 1.35 cents per share
    paid on the 12th of December.
     We believe our portfolio is well positioned to meet demand from both
    Auckland and Wellington occupiers. And that Precinct is well positioned
    through its ownership of prime assets and its opportunities in the future.
    Future focus balanced growth
    We are excited about the opportunities we have. But we remain focused on
    prudent risk management and continuing steady dividends.
    We will retain a focus on creating value for shareholders. We are continuing
    to follow a strategy of focusing on our core assets while divesting others
    that we do not see as central to our growth.
    This has been a good year. Success is following from our strategy for growth
    that is delivering good returns. We have some exciting times ahead, and we
    look forward to continued strong progress.
    I will now hand you over to Scott who will take you through some of the
    operational highlights and decisions of the year in more detail.
    Scott Pritchard: CEO Address
    Strong vision, strong result
    Thank you Craig, and I'd like to add my welcome to you all today.
    From what you have heard so far it will be obvious to you, that we are
    excited about where the company is right now.  We see good potential for
    growth. And we are pleased that the strategy of focusing on our strengths as
    an office specialist has allowed us to outperform the market.
    Operational update
    Following a strong financial result, it is pleasing to have also enjoyed
    operational success throughout the company.
    We are in our strongest leasing position for four years, with few pending
    expiries over the next 36 months. This is a big step forward from previous
    years, where we have started each financial year with a big challenge of
    vacant space to fill in.  It is a good place to be.
    Overall, the year's excellent financial results have been driven by income
    from new acquisitions and successful leasing activity.
    In Wellington, we have cut vacancy by 50% since January. During the year we
    let 4,000 square metres to ANZ at 171 Featherston St and we concluded
    significant leasing at 80 The Terrace.
    These transactions have placed the portfolio in a strong position with
    occupancy now at 97%.
    Bowen Campus continued to provide good returns and remains 100% occupied,
    mostly by the Ministry of Social Development.  We are now focused on the
    second tranche of the Government RFP for office space which has recently been
    Key events
    This year the real highlights were in Auckland.  The Downtown Shopping Centre
    and HSBC House acquisitions mean we now own a strategic contiguous
    two-hectare block right on the waterfront. I will talk more about this
    development in a moment.
    We also applied a "precinct" approach to the redevelopment of the ANZ Centre
    in thinking about how it fitted in with its environment and the amenity it
    offered to the people who use it.  As Craig has noted, we were thrilled to
    see this work win the Property Council of NZ Supreme award.
    It has also been a good investment. Three years ago, the building would have
    been valued at $150 million if ANZ had departed. Precinct has invested $75
    million and now has a premium asset valued at $250 million, with a ten-year
    average lease term.
    Key metrics
    The numbers on this slide tell their own story. The year has seen strong
    leasing, and as a result delivered good security of income.
    We have every indication that markets are recovering. In the last quarter we
    saw a significant increase in demand for prime and A-grade space in Auckland
    and Wellington.  Indeed, in Auckland we now have no full floors available for
    Strategy and execution
    As I have mentioned, our strategy is to focus firmly on strategic holdings,
    play to our strengths and create new opportunities to add value.
    By way of putting this in context, three years ago when the market was facing
    oversupply, our focus was on protecting what we had.
    Since then, however, we have reviewed all our assets to determine clearly
    which ones are core and to supporting future growth. And we have also
    invested in assets where we see active potential for development and
    increased returns.
    We are focusing clearly on downtown areas where we can create new
    environments. By doing this, particularly where we own a block of buildings,
    we can generate value out of a new critical mass that clients will appreciate
    and which will also deliver better long-term earnings security.
    This means focusing on core, strategic assets and recycling capital out of
    non-core stock. We have determined that we currently hold around $230 million
    worth of non-core assets that can be sold to support continued investment in
    identified strategic opportunities.
    In Wellington, Bowen Campus remains an important source of income and offers
    a good range of opportunity. But overall we are increasing our weighting of
    our investment to Auckland, where we are seeing particularly strong growth.
    Strategy is of course only as good as its execution. On an operational level,
    we have continued a programme of seismic upgrades. This includes advanced
    strengthening works at Wellington's Old Police Station and Auckland's SAP
    building. We now have 82% of the portfolio considered at low risk. Only
    Wellington's Old Police Station is considered high risk and following seismic
    works this asset will be considered low risk.
    Along with the significant savings in insurance costs that your Chairman
    outlined, we introduced new procurement policies that cut the number of our
    suppliers by half. We also began training staff in the NABERSNZ tool to
    measure energy performance of buildings and will shortly deliver a programme
    to improve energy efficiency across our portfolio.
    Vision for downtown waterfront
    I want to share more about our vision for Auckland's downtown waterfront with
    you now, as the acquisitions we made there were a real highlight of the year.
    The development of this precinct is a key focus for the future.
    Combined with our existing assets (possibly point to on photo on slide) PWC
    Tower, the AMP Centre and Zurich House, the Downtown Shopping Centre and HSBC
    buildings give us a unique footprint, with two hectares of land on arguably
    Auckland's best commercial real estate.
    In creating a new precinct here our focus remains very much on quality office
    space. But to complement this we will also offer Aucklanders a new level of
    retail experience. By combining both retail and office, we will bring
    something new and exciting to the whole area.
    We are ambitious to see this development bring more people into the city. We
    have already had positive community and business feedback. We were also
    pleased to go into positive negotiations with Auckland Council with a view to
    coordinating the timing of our works at the Downtown Shopping Centre with the
    building of a tunnel for the City Rail Link. Obviously, the rail link would
    only add further to the area's importance as a transport hub for the whole
    To make sure we deliver something really special here we have sought
    expressions of interest from 14 master planners, both from New Zealand and
    abroad. Through the process this was reduced to a short-list of four.
    Following a series of interviews, presentations and the preparation of actual
    designs for the site, I can now announce that we have appointed the master
    planner for this work, who is Woods Bagot based out of San Francisco. Woods
    Bagot is globally renowned as leading architects having completed a range of
    office and mixed use developments the world over including New Zealand. Woods
    Bagot will be supported by one of New Zealand's leading architecture firms
    Warren and Mahoney and Surface Designs also from San Francisco.
    The master planning phase is very important as it knits together all of the
    different uses which we will have on the site and also considers what
    buildings are built and where they are built. At the conclusion of the master
    planning phase, we will have a design for the site and have a very clear idea
    of what we are going to build and how it will look.
    Market outlook
    We see good prospects in both Auckland and Wellington. Auckland is
    particularly strong. All property research houses are forecasting strong
    rental growth in the city over the next four to five years. CBRE, for
    example, is forecasting total rental growth of around 16% by 2017.
    There are no developments currently in the pipeline that will materially
    impact supply in the short to medium term. This coupled with a positive
    employment growth forecast in the short to medium term should have a positive
    effect on rental levels.
    We have seen a big increase in Auckland CBD office workers, a result of a
    strong Auckland economy and associated population growth. The office
    employment losses that occurred in the CBD following the global financial
    crisis have now been recouped. 10,000 new workers have entered the CBD in the
    last three years, reflecting an increase of around 17%. CBRE are forecasting
    continued strong CBD employment growth over the next 5-10 years. This growth
    in CBD employment is forecast to require around 200,000 square meters of new
    office space.
    In Wellington, we expect stability with the potential for some growth as the
    market remains sound for quality office space. Overall, Wellington CBD
    A-Grade office space vacancy remains low at 3.7%, a reduction of around 1% in
    the year. Wellington will continue to be a solid market for us and
    contributes a good balance in our overall portfolio.
    Seismic considerations are increasingly important in Wellington, those with
    the ability to fund seismic works and reposition assets should outperform.
    In conclusion, property markets are in the best shape they have been for some
    years. And in particular with the acquisitions we have made and the
    improvements to the portfolio, Precinct is well-positioned for growth. The
    challenge for the next few years is to capitalise on the opportunities within
    our portfolio, build on our client relationships and improve service levels
    across the business.
    It's only just over a year ago that we changed our name to "Precinct". It
    seems longer than that, perhaps because so much has happened. But the name
    was intended to signal a fresh approach to creating opportunity and
    environments where our clients and ourselves both succeed. That still remains
    very much the vision. And it is one from which we see continuing good results
    in the coming year.
    On behalf of the Executive Team I would like to thank both the Board for its
    guidance and you, our shareholders, for your continued support.
    It has been a year of great progress and we look forward to building on its
    success. I will now hand you back to our Chairman.
    Thank you.
    Craig Stobo - Chairman
    Thank you Scott
    It is has been a positive year and we look forward to some exciting
    As Scott mentioned, we see every sign of continuing recovery in the New
    Zealand economy. But as we all know we are very much part of a larger global
    marketplace. We will always have to allow for international developments that
    could affect current local expectations.
    That said, however, Precinct is in a strong position and we look forward to
    another successful year.
    End CA:00243477 For:PCT    Type:ADDRESS    Time:2013-11-07 11:41:06
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