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Ann: ADDRESS: SAN: Sanford Limited Annual Meeting - Chairman's Address

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    • Release Date: 17/12/14 14:00
    • Summary: ADDRESS: SAN: Sanford Limited Annual Meeting - Chairman's Address
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    17/12/2014 14:00
    REL: 1400 HRS Sanford Limited
    ADDRESS: SAN: Sanford Limited Annual Meeting - Chairman's Address
    17 December 2014
    Chairman of Directors Jeff Todd's Speech
    Sanford Annual Meeting
    17 December 2014
    The Directors of Sanford are pleased to present to shareholders our report
    for the year ended 30 September 2014.  A full account of the Board's work is
    provided in the Annual Report but I want to highlight briefly the Board's
    main points of focus through this last year.
    Before proceeding to the business of the day, I would like us to pause for a
    time of reflection on the lives of two distinguished, former Directors of the
    Company.  However, in both instances it is an understatement to describe them
    both merely as Directors.
    Firstly, Dr Douglas Goodfellow.
    I would like the minutes of this meeting to record that the meeting noted
    with sadness the death of Dr Douglas Goodfellow on 10 July 2014, aged 97.
    Dr Goodfellow and his family interests are known principally as major,
    long-term shareholders in the Company. Dr Goodfellow was the father of Dr
    Bruce Goodfellow and Mr Peter Goodfellow, two of our current directors.  Dr
    Douglas Goodfellow is remembered for his commercial wisdom and for the
    guidance and direction he provided to Sanford as a Director from 1978 and
    Chairman of the Board from 1980 until his retirement in April 2006.  During
    that period shareholders' funds grew from $10m in 1980 to more than $500m in
    Dr Goodfellow will be missed as a loyal shareholder and supporter of the
    Company and as a wise and astute former Chairman and Board member.
    Secondly, Mr David Anderson.
    I would like the minutes of this meeting to record that the meeting noted
    with sadness the death of Mr David Goldie Anderson on 28 November 2014, aged
    David Anderson joined Sanford in 1960 as an accountant and after several
    promotions through the years was appointed Assistant General Manager in 1976
    and Managing Director at the end of 1990 on the retirement of Mr Neil Mills.
    David retired from the Board after 30 years' service as a Director in January
    2013 and after a total of 52 years' service as an employee and Director of
    the Company.
    During his term with the Company, David also held the positions of Deputy
    Chair of the New Zealand Fishing Industry Board and President of the New
    Zealand Fishing Industry Association.  He was also a member of the
    Ministerial Advisory Committee on Oceans Policy.
    David is remembered for his wit and wisdom, his broad and deep experience in
    our industry and his warm and personal interest in people - especially
    Sanford staff and workers at all levels.
    He will be greatly missed by his family and all who knew him and worked with
    Our CEO, Mr Volker Kuntzsch
    2014 was a year of transition for Volker Kuntzsch as he moved into the CEO
    role at Sanford and it has been a year of transition for Sanford too.
    Good progress has been made already in transforming Sanford into the 'Best
    Seafood Company in the World'. Our focus is on sustainability, innovation,
    quality, value and on our social licence to operate in the fishing and
    seafood farming industries.
    Volker will speak to you in more detail about the significant strategic and
    cultural changes he has brought to the Company and developed with the Board
    in his first twelve months.
    The Board's Focus
    The Board has remained focussed through this 2014 transitional year on
    improving the Company's financial performance in a challenging operational
    environment internationally.
    Although we are moderately satisfied with our result given the many
    challenges the Company faced during the course of the year, our high
    dependency on commodities has once again resulted in a low return on equity
    for our shareholders at 4.1%.  The Board regards this result as well below
    the potential of our Company dealing, as it does, in an attractive, natural
    product in high demand.
    Net profit for the year was $22.4m about 10% ahead of last year but sales
    revenue at $452.4m was slightly less than the $462.6m last year.
    Operational performance was mixed with aquaculture (green-shell mussels and
    salmon) recording a very successful result reflecting improved harvesting
    levels and increased sales, but, on the other hand, low commodity prices for
    a number of key pelagic species and weather and operational factors reduced
    catch levels, particularly in the inshore and Pacific tuna businesses.
    Although we did not meet our own financial targets this year, we are well
    positioned for growth.
    Achieving our ambitions will require continuing close oversight and plain
    hard work by the Board and the Management team.  Our Company's size (and in
    particular our quota holding) and the diversity of our species provide both
    opportunities and challenges and we continue to work on improving all aspects
    of our business with a particular focus on improving returns to shareholders.
    The future looks exciting and we are confident we can become the 'Best
    Seafood Company in the World' under Volker's leadership.  Volker will provide
    more information about the Company's operations in his address which will
    Corporate Governance
    Sanford expects the highest standards of corporate governance and ethical
    conduct in all aspects of our business.  We are proud of our record in the
    sustainability of seafood for future generations.
    During the year, the Board continued to work on corporate governance
    standards and this year has focussed particular attention on Human Resources
    or 'People' issues with particular attention to Health and Safety in
    Management has worked closely with the Employment and Regulatory Compliance
    Committee of the Board to review, develop and enhance aspects of health and
    safety in our industry which, because of its very nature, requires the
    highest standards of operational performance in all aspects of our fishing,
    farming and processing activities.
    Board Appointment and Retirement
    Shareholders at last year's meeting will recall that the Board had intended
    to appoint a seventh director to the Board following Mr Eric Barratt's
    retirement as Managing Director at the end of 2013.   However, given the
    Company's continuing focus on cost containment and the willingness of
    existing Board members to share the Board's workload, the seventh Board
    member has only now been appointed.
    Mr Peter Kean was appointed to the Board on 1 December 2014.  Given my
    retirement from the Board on 31 December this year, there will be only a
    brief, one-month overlap before Board numbers revert to six in total.
    Mr Kean is, of course, on stage with us today and later in the meeting I will
    introduce him to you more fully and invite him to speak to you.  Mr Kean's
    appointment to the Board requires ratification by shareholders at this
    Directors' Fees
    Last year, the Directors brought forward a proposal to shareholders to
    increase the directors' fees pool by $80,000 to $630,000 to accommodate the
    appointment of a seventh director to the Board following the retirement of Mr
    Eric Barratt at the end of 2013.  However, as I have explained, that
    appointment was not made until the beginning of December 2014 and there is no
    plan at this time to increase the Board's size in the current year.
    Base Board fees have remained unchanged now for three years at $65,000 and
    while the total pool was set at $550,000 at the January 2012 AGM and $630,000
    at last year's AGM, total fees paid have, in fact, been frozen at $500,000
    for the last three years (except for a minor adjustment of less than $10,000
    in total in Committee fees in 2014).  None of the additional $80,000 approved
    by shareholders at last year's AGM has been used.
    Once again in this current year 2015, the Board has decided not to increase
    fees and the base fee will remain at $65,000 for this year. In addition, the
    Board at this stage does not intend to appoint a seventh director in the
    current (2015) financial year. The Board's workload will therefore continue
    to be carried by six Board members in total as in 2014.
    No shareholders' resolution on this matter is required at this AGM as fees
    payable in the 2015 financial year will remain at the same level as in 2014
    and, at $510,000, are well within the total pool set by shareholders at
    Our Company is engaged in large and complex business activities and our
    successes are achieved only with effective management and total commitment by
    our team to the fishing, farming, processing and marketing of our products.
    While once again this year we have faced some difficult operating challenges
    we are looking forward to the coming year with more confidence.
    It is also appropriate once again to record with thanks the dedication and
    professionalism displayed by all our fishermen and marine farmers, and the
    processing, administration, marketing and support staff along with the
    executive team for their efforts and responses to the particular challenges
    that we have faced over the last year. Sanford continues to be well served
    at all levels of its operations by the excellent competencies of its people.
    Sanford is fortunate in having such a dedicated and loyal complement of
    staff, customers and suppliers to support the Company's operations.
    I will retire from the Board on 31 December and in doing so I acknowledge
    with deep gratitude the constant support and assistance of my fellow Board
    members over the past 16 years and in particular the late Dr Douglas
    Goodfellow who was Chairman when I joined the Company's Board.
    It has been a great honour to have served shareholders as a Director of
    Sanford and I am grateful to you for the opportunity you have given me to
    work with the Board and Management of the Company since 1998.
    You have my very best wishes for a very successful and profitable future.
    End CA:00259031 For:SAN    Type:ADDRESS    Time:2014-12-17 14:00:10
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