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Ann: Admedus launches rights issue, page-238

  1. 2,477 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 399
    Not sure if that is directed at me bc, but  I am on record for saying I would reserve my judgement on WP WHEN much acclaim was made at the time, along with the arrival of the ‘Saint’.

    Also on record for saying I thought we had ‘turned’ the corner ( at one stage) albeit if the sp wasn’t at the 30 cent mark by this Xmas ‘something was amiss’, how true that turned out!

    ’This is the day I was waiting for’, hope that works for you mate, have been financially severely disadvantaged, much more so for the cases of Suckii, David, Eire and others. At 58 and on a low income doubt if I could ever ‘save’ the amount that I have currently lost, yes, as jay says, it was our stupidity to blame, despite however ‘bankable’ the Admedus story was.

    I have no doubt these folk are disappointed, (Eire, David,Suckii etc) but would have been nice to hear their take on this, if they choose not to nobody could really blame them.

    The Ratty ‘blame game’ seems a little hollow now, put up your hand if you had that much invested and WOULD not sell out if you saw the ‘writing’ on the wall! 

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