BGC 0.00% 0.0¢ bridge global capital management limited

Ann: Administrators Appointed , page-21

  1. 3,069 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 206
    I dont know about NFL, something very fishy about the whole business. Something just doesnt add up. Maybe they need to restructure to get something out of the Darwin plant. Two plants (Darwin and Singapore) ready to go. I have been thinking of few scenerios that may eventuate. The Singapore plant cost $US150Million to build, the Darwin plant would have to have a 50% value of about $A30Million. Debt is currently about $A26Million. Then there are the unsecured noteholders/bondholders. This is the part I am not sure about and where NFL's problems probably exist. Has anyone any ideas about how the bondholders fit into the picture.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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