SVG 0.00% 2.0¢ savannah goldfields limited

I was admitted to the meeting a little after 4:10pm. It’s...

  1. 300 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 83
    I was admitted to the meeting a little after 4:10pm. It’s encouraging to see the potential for progress under Brad.

    I could not un-mute myself to ask questions during the meeting, or attract the meeting convener's attention to do so.

    I expect that this is a product of us all still learning AV technology.

    I intended to ask:
    1. What is the cost of the plant proposed plant of Agate in terms of construction and commissioning up to ready to produce?
    2. What is the proposed annual throughput of the plant?
    3. The number of staff (FTE) required to person the proposed plant?
    4. A likely date for first production?

    I have now sent an email to LNY seeking answers to these questions.

    Thanks everyone who supported my candidacy. Last time 9%, this time 14%. Still roundly beaten, but the vote was up an encouraging 50%!

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