BIT 0.00% 1.6¢ biotron limited

Hi Klotho,Fingers crossed the SP doesn't drop further. I...

  1. 2,994 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1342
    Hi Klotho,

    Fingers crossed the SP doesn't drop further. I still hold a few OB and will convert even if the SP is 5.1c and looks to be able to hold over 5c for 5 days.

    In relation to the announcement of a 'p2b' trial, this can't be made until the money from options is in the account as it is a requirement of the partnership that BIT chuck in $x amount and the option conversion is needed for this.

    I imagine it won't be long before you get the announcement you are waiting for but I dont believe it will be an amazing deal that a faor few expect.. We can also expect something from SAB first.


    DYOR, IMO, etc
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