SVG savannah goldfields limited

Ann: AGM Presentation, page-44

  1. 775 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 314
    Thanks Cherokee
    MGH (Maas) looks like a great investment.
    However has high debt/equity ratio 87%, but using the debt capital for projects and positive cashflow.
    Historically MGH SP was at $4-5 precovid, and is now at about $4 ... on a rocket lately up from 3.5 over the last 2 weeks!
    Now over its upper bollinger band; and stochastic shows a bearish trend after hitting $4 .... so it may be overbought.
    If I had MGH shares I might cashin for some Xmas shopping .... so I think it may drop to 3.5c again.
    At 3.5c it would be a bargain.
    So MGH is on my watch list (wish list).
    DYOR, not providing advice.
    Merc Out
    Last edited by Mercury9: 21/12/23
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Mkt cap ! $10.26M
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1.6¢ 1.6¢ 1.6¢ $25.27K 1.579M

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3 895136 1.6¢

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1.7¢ 2132334 2
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Last trade - 13.43pm 28/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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