AJX 0.00% 1.0¢ alexium international group limited

Ann: Alexium Wins USD$5 Million Multi-Year Sales Agreement-AJX.AX, page-139

  1. 2,080 Posts.
    I agree with you 100%.

    This is what the Ann states,

    • Alexium deal breaks new ground in PCM bedding market, with estimated share for Alexium of more than $5 million revenue per annum

    That can't be twisted any other way, Alexiums share of the market equates to $5 million revenue per annum, this dissecting of Ann's by some to make them less than what they are is ridiculous.

    The deal is for a new product line.

    The deal is for one customer.

    The deal is for (an estimtimated) more than US$5 million.

    The deal is for an annual amount.

    Very easy.

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