AJX 4.00% 1.2¢ alexium international group limited

Ann: Alexium Wins USD$5 Million Multi-Year Sales Agreement-AJX.AX, page-181

  1. 91,179 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    1. who gives a toss - we have got 5 mil US plus of whatever it is.

    2. there hasn't been a suitable product to have a bigger market all up --- until we invented it.
    so - lets see how the market grows because of Alexium.

    The mere fact that we have several other customers trialing our stuff atm - suggests strongly that 1. we will get them - I would say odds on and 2. the overall market is about to grow - because we have now given the market something to use.

    Also - once the legislation is passed this week (or next) - any other products out there PC - that use toxic products - will be wiped off the map -----

    who will those customers using the toxic product turn to?????????

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