Unless it is fully subscribed and that can announced early,then even though the SPP closes 3 days later than the AAM raise,the date for announcing the AAM results on the website is the 20th.I will watch the price action until late in period to decide if and how I'll reload.
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- Ann: Altech - $1.8 million Share Placement and Initiation of SPP
Ann: Altech - $1.8 million Share Placement and Initiation of SPP, page-20
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(20min delay)
4.6¢ |
0.001(2.22%) |
Mkt cap ! $92.11M |
Open | High | Low | Value | Volume |
4.7¢ | 4.7¢ | 4.5¢ | $30.91K | 674.1K |
Buyers (Bids)
No. | Vol. | Price($) |
2 | 219349 | 4.6¢ |
Sellers (Offers)
Price($) | Vol. | No. |
4.7¢ | 133402 | 1 |
View Market Depth
No. | Vol. | Price($) |
2 | 219349 | 0.046 |
14 | 461555 | 0.045 |
12 | 1039404 | 0.044 |
13 | 2138917 | 0.043 |
16 | 1130926 | 0.042 |
Price($) | Vol. | No. |
0.047 | 133402 | 1 |
0.048 | 178088 | 1 |
0.050 | 121474 | 5 |
0.052 | 34105 | 2 |
0.053 | 197000 | 1 |
Last trade - 16.10pm 30/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ? |
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Lewis Black
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