ATC 2.00% 5.1¢ altech batteries ltd

Ann: Altech - Appointment of due diligence consultants-ATC.AX, page-29

  1. 2,846 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 114
    All good, Deez.

    You make more sense than me when I've had a few drinks, so you did well considering you've had a

    Also keep in mind, this is currently a "grey area" in the ATC timeline. Not a lot of price sensitive news is expected and most will be hanging around waiting for the loan decision, which could be easily another two or three months.

    So to me anyway, this seems to be panning out as expected. I also must add that I think the run up to 20 cents earlier was a bit too premature.

    Cheers.......and have a few more Deez, no point in wasting that happy feeling
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5.2¢ 5.5¢ 5.1¢ $169.9K 3.203M

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8 499247 5.1¢

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5.3¢ 40539 1
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