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Ann: Altech Invitation Received to Construct HPA Plant in Germany, page-108

  1. 1,071 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 924
    As per your link and many others, the demise of the internal combustion engine has commenced.
    Internal combustion engines are complex and comprised of many components. EV's also don't require complex multi-speed transmissions.
    The downstream supply of these components is supported by hundreds of companies and hundreds of thousands of workers which are at risk of losing their jobs in the future.
    This has European and in our case, German governments very concerned. The manufacturing workforce will need to transition to new EV industries and governments will assist this transition by way of grants, incentives and subsidies.
    When talking about this with Shane yesterday I got the impression some serious money may be available.
    The recent AAM/YAG annoucement stated:
    YAG's shareholders approving anincrease in its issued share capital to enable it to initially raiseup to €70 million in new equity
    Note the word initially. If AAM is purely a HPA investment vehicle then why would the annoucment imply a subsequent raise?
    The answer IMO, is to fund 49% ownership of a new German company which will own the second plant. Altech Chemicals Limted (ATC) would own the controlling 51% as per the Australian subsiduary with the Johor plant (assuming the AAM deal is successful)
    Pieces of the German statregy starting to unfold........
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