ATC 0.00% 4.6¢ altech batteries ltd

Ann: Altech Invitation Received to Construct HPA Plant in Germany, page-120

  1. 22,451 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 487

    After Selling ATC I hadn't to do with Altech 1,2 Years or so.
    Just today per Coincidence looked in the Thread, and was very, very surprised from their "german News".

    I'm not sure, but looks to be after All a pretty Positive Consideration??

    If you include some Points, the industrial Strength of Germany, One of the Biggest Car producing Nations in the World, in the industrial Area, Where They are invited to consider building the/One Plant, are already Any Big Gar Companies located, Grant/Subsidies Opportunities, and Other,

    if you put All These Things together,
    I guess This COULD get a pretty, pretty good Match???


    I "hate" the Sentiment Options here.
    As they are not enough, 4 What I often "WOULD" like to express.
    At LEAST between "Hold" ans "Buy" there is One Option (may More, Total) lacking for Me.
    Which is a "SPECULATIVE Buy".
    Which I would OFTEN choose.

    So, the Same like Here.
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