ATC 2.22% 4.6¢ altech batteries ltd

Ann: Altech Invitation Received to Construct HPA Plant in Germany, page-136

  1. 276 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 65
    News from Mitsubishi
    "We're dedicated to electrification, especially with plug-in hybrids," said Takao Kato, CEO of Mitsubishi, at the Tokyo Motor Show. With the MI-TECH CONCEPT, a vehicle designed as a "small SUV with plug-in hybrid drive", Mitsubishi has a vision of the future. This leaves on the VW ID. Buggy reminds and shows that with such a PHEV you can have incomparable driving pleasure and safety on every terrain in the sun and the wind.Before going into detail on the Mitsubishi MI-TECH CONCEPT, a few facts about Mitsubishi's strategy. Kato said it would expand the range of electric vehicles "by offering more variations and using Allianz's diverse electrification technology to make MMC the leader in the plug-in hybrid category." Mitsubishi plans to open in 2022 to use its electrification technologies for new mid-sized and compact SUVs as well as Kei Cars in the near future.
    and in the future with hpa of altech chemicals..... and many more cars,hopefully
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