CDM 1.45% 68.0¢ cadence capital limited

Ann: Annual General Meeting Proxy Form, page-3

  1. 5,330 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 410
    yep, nothing but smoke and mirrors from Karl and (does he actually have a team anymore ????). I noticed in th annual report that he has only shown his top 20 positions, whereas other LICs (in their annual report) show their complete list of holdings. I can understand where he doesn’t want to disclose his holdings on a monthly basis (but then again. Would other fund managers really want to follow his poor performance ?) but not to disclose OUR holdings in the annual report gives the appearance that there is an agenda.
    Also with CDO (remember it ? ). Agile, nimble, flexible, performance driven, able to take advantage of changing market conditions, seems to have predominantly the same holdings as CDM with an even worse performance in TSR. Invest in CDO…… and lost a $1.00 a share. !!!!
    Karl I believe, picked up $3m. In performance fees last year ! now That’s a performance !
    Pity none of us SH got any of the benefits !

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69.5¢ 69.5¢ 68.0¢ $42.36K 61.70K

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14 149529 68.0¢

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