4DS 2.94% 3.3¢ 4ds memory limited

Ann: Annual Report to Shareholders, page-14

  1. 843 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 111
    Sam, I know of with prejudice and without prejudice, having a clear definitions applicable in law. What does reasonable or unreasonable prejudice even mean? Your posts here are the very first I have heard of possible dissent within the board, are you basing this solely off your interpretations 0f these definitions, or do you have some background that you haven’t yet shared?

    just slightly confused by how you arrived at board dissent. I understand you have a law background, before mango farming, not sure what field, are you reading too much into this or are the non legal types all missing something?

    Last edited by Inisavestor: 30/10/23
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