CDU 0.00% 23.5¢ cudeco limited

barramundi, This is an interesting announcement. We have a...

  1. roh
    4,061 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    This is an interesting announcement. We have a transport company accepting 305,883 ordinary shares at $2 per share { $611,766 ] as part payment for transportation costs incurred in relation to plant at the Rocklands project.
    The transportation company must be a large one to be able to forego cash of $611,766. CuDeco from their half yearly report had the funds to pay the cash.
    Moreover, had the cash been taken in lieu of shares , the transport company could have purchased at today's price 365,233 shares : ie 59,350 additional shares .
    On the face of it, it does not look a great deal for the transport company which would have acquired the additional 59,350 shares at no additional cost but there may be more to it than that.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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