BUD 0.00% 0.6¢ buddy technologies ltd

Ann: Appendix 4C - quarterly and commentary, page-59

  1. 8,751 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 782
    Hi Techmeister

    If customers have not finished the free trial then the revenue is probably not locked in ?

    Previously BUD stated:
    With the interest being staggering before channel partners were signed up, then as channel partners are signed up, interest should increase and the re-rate should continue.

    The future is looking a lot better than when the Zentri acquisition fell over late last year.

    In my opinion BUD has done a great job in identifying an opportunity and acting on it quickly.

    This appears to be just the start and there should be plenty of growth for many years to come.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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