FBR 2.63% 3.9¢ fbr ltd

Ann: Appendix 4C - quarterly, page-25

  1. 1,831 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 178
    did you mean XERO?

    noone is paying anything whatsoever to use FBR
    FBR states it can build a house brick wise in a day off a CAD design
    yet its spending $5mil a quarter on R&D
    so is it ready or isnt it
    and who said anything about a profit
    how about just anyone using it for free and saying look at the house I built using FBR

    $14 mil left
    burning $7 mil a quarter
    nothing coming in revenue wise
    imo CR next quarter or Q1 2020 and SP around 2c which is $30mil MC
    Last edited by 9olives: 31/07/19
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Mkt cap ! $197.3M
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3.9¢ 3.9¢ 3.7¢ $75.74K 1.979M

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14 1477258 3.7¢

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3.9¢ 1062921 5
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