GMN 0.00% 0.2¢ gold mountain limited

I could be wrong but we have to pay the initial $0.001 for each...

  1. 256 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 27
    I could be wrong but we have to pay the initial $0.001 for each one we purchase and then we have the 3years to exercise paying the additional .01 if we want to convert them. Apologies if this is wrong as it’s also my first time purchasing options. So examples being if you own 5,000,000 shares you are eligible to purchase 1,000,000 shares through the options which will coast $1,000 to do so. Then prior to the 3 year expiry you can pay the additional $10,000 if you wish to convert them, also you can trade them on the option GMNO at any point as well I believe.

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