SVG 10.5% 1.7¢ savannah goldfields limited

Ann: Appointment of CEO, page-48

  1. 35,149 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 961
    Hi Docmin Bot trading should not be allowed. these small orders should only be allowed if a small number is needed to finish a trade .Yes I think that you are spot on with your thoughts being that S Bizzell has a plan for returning value back to all shareholders.I back this comment up by why we needed the new CEO when Brad seemed to be getting things moving.They had to pay a good screw to get him to join the group.What are S Bizzells plans for him. AIMOP DYOR Cheers to holders Towie
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1 136006 1.7¢

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1.9¢ 183965 2
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