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Ann: Assays up to 15% copper at Caribou Dome Project, page-2

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    23 February 2022
    Assays up to 15% copper in multiple thick zones
    highlight strong outlook for Caribou Dome, Alaska
    Results will feed into Scoping Study on potential to treat Caribou and nearby
    Zackly deposits at a joint processing hub
    • Infill drilling returns extremely high-grade assays in multiple thick zones of massive
    sulphides, demonstrating the outstanding quality of the Mineral Resource and
    therefore the development potential.
    From To
    Interval (m)
    Est. True
    Thickness (m) Cu % Ag ppm
    CD21-001 25.28 35.05 9.77 6.45 6.8 7.8
    and 45.16 64.25 19.09 12.60 7.0 11.2
    including 45.16 54.1 8.94 5.90 10.0 16.0
    including 50.12 54.1 3.98 2.63 14.8 24.0
    and 58.4 64.25 5.85 3.86 6.8 10.9
    CD21-002 12.07 20.73 8.66 5.89 0.3 1.1
    and 43.6 56.85 13.25 9.01 0.4 0.5
    CD21-003 26 36.71 10.71 7.50 7.4 15.4
    Figure 1 Finely laminated massive sulphides with 11.4% Cu and 23.4g/t Ag at 28.2m, CD21-003. Scale bar = 5cm.
    PolarX Limited | +61 8 6465 5500 | +61 8 6465 5599 | www.polarx.com.au
    Suite 1, 245 Churchill Avenue, Subiaco, Western Australia 6008 Page 2
    • Caribou Dome Resource is 2.8Mt at 3.1% copper; The Zackly Resource is 3.4Mt at 1.2%
    copper, 2g/t gold and 14g/t silver.
    • Samples from these holes will be used for metallurgical tests to support the scoping
    study on mining and processing options for Caribou Dome and nearby Zackly deposits.
    • Metallurgical test work to evaluate processing options for the Zackly Cu-Au-Ag
    mineralisation is also ongoing in Perth, Western Australia.
    PolarX Limited (ASX: PXX) is pleased to announce very high-grade copper assays from infill drilling at its
    Caribou Dome Copper Project in Alaska (for location refer to Figure 2).
    The results are important because they underpin the strength of the Resource and demonstrate the
    strong potential to develop Caribou Dam in conjunction with PolarX’s nearby Zackly deposits.
    PolarX Executive Chair Mark Bojanjac said: “These are exceptional near-surface copper grades over
    substantial widths. Intercepts like 19m at 7% copper and 11g/t silver are impressive by any measure.
    They help underpin the development potential for the project, which also has immense scope for
    expansion both along strike and at depth”.
    Figure 2 Location Map showing Caribou Dome in the Alaska Range Project
    PolarX Limited | +61 8 6465 5500 | +61 8 6465 5599 | www.polarx.com.au
    Suite 1, 245 Churchill Avenue, Subiaco, Western Australia 6008 Page 3
    The drilling program, subsequent metallurgical test work and Scoping Study form part of PolarX’s well
    advanced earn-in for an 80% joint venture interest in the Caribou Dome Project.
    Massive Sulphide intersections in 2021 drilling
    PolarX drilled four holes at Caribou Dome in August/September 2021 to provide samples of copper
    mineralisation for metallurgical test work (see Figures 3 to 7 and refer to Tables 1 to 4 for details). The
    holes were drilled into predicted zones of copper mineralisation hosted in massive to semi-massive
    sulphides as predicted by the resource block model used for resource estimation in April 2017.
    Figure 3 Plan view showing recent assays and location of drill holes into the mineral resource estimate block model at Caribou
    Key Observations are as follows:
    • Drill hole CD21-001 intersected 3 distinct zones within a 39m down-hole thickness of calcareous
    and locally graphitic, fine grained argillaceous sediments (Figure 5).
    • The sulphides are extremely fine grained and form thin laminations with very fine-grained
    calcareous argillite (Figures 6). Soft sediment deformation textures including slumping and fluid
    escape textures are present, along with locally well-preserved graded bedding.
    • All three zones drilled contain very high grades of copper (refer Table 1 and see Figures 1 and
    6), locally up to 15% Cu.
    PolarX Limited | +61 8 6465 5500 | +61 8 6465 5599 | www.polarx.com.au
    Suite 1, 245 Churchill Avenue, Subiaco, Western Australia 6008 Page 4
    Table 1 Drill intersections and assay results for Caribou Dome massive sulphides
    From To
    Interval (m)
    Est. True
    Thickness (m) Cu % Ag ppm
    CD21-001 25.28 35.05 9.77 6.45 6.8 7.8
    and 45.16 64.25 19.09 12.60 7.0 11.2
    including 45.16 54.1 8.94 5.90 10.0 16.0
    including 50.12 54.1 3.98 2.63 14.8 24.0
    and 58.4 64.25 5.85 3.86 6.8 10.9
    CD21-002 12.07 20.73 8.66 5.89 0.3 1.1
    and 43.6 56.85 13.25 9.01 0.4 0.5
    CD21-003 26 36.71 10.71 7.50 7.39 15.4
    • This hole intersected two zones of semi-massive to blebby sulphides measuring 5.9m and 9.0m
    true thickness within a broad zone of calcareous argillite and fine-grained limestone (Figure 7).
    • Sulphide mineralisation is extremely fine grained, making visual distinction between pyrite and
    chalcopyrite challenging.
    • The lower-grade of these two intersections show that pyrite dominates over chalcopyrite in this
    particular part of the lode. Other parts of this lode (off-section) contain a higher ratio of copper
    to iron sulphides and are commensurately higher grade.
    Figure 4 View looking NW towards the mineralised area at Caribou Dome with the field camp in the foreground
    • This hole intersected 10.7m down-hole thickness of very fine-grained, laminated, massive to
    semi-massive sulphides within a 11.5m down-hole thickness of fine-grained calcareous
    PolarX Limited | +61 8 6465 5500 | +61 8 6465 5599 | www.polarx.com.au
    Suite 1, 245 Churchill Avenue, Subiaco, Western Australia 6008 Page 5
    • This hole was terminated after 50m of drilling into heavily faulted andesitic volcanic rocks and
    was not drilled to target.
    Figure 5 Drill cross section showing multiple high-grade copper intersections in CD21-001
    Figure 6 CD21-001 at down-hole depth of 47.5m. Very fine-grained massive pyrite and chalcopyrite with soft sediment
    folding and slumping. This interval assayed 9.3% Cu and 15.2g/t Ag. Scale bar approx. 5cm.
    PolarX Limited | +61 8 6465 5500 | +61 8 6465 5599 | www.polarx.com.au
    Suite 1, 245 Churchill Avenue, Subiaco, Western Australia 6008 Page 6
    Figure 7 Drill cross-section showing multiple lower grade zones of copper mineralisation in limey argillite in CD21-
    PolarX Limited | +61 8 6465 5500 | +61 8 6465 5599 | www.polarx.com.au
    Suite 1, 245 Churchill Avenue, Subiaco, Western Australia 6008 Page 7
    Assays are still pending for the four additional exploration holes which were drilled at Caribou Dome in
    September 2021 (CD21-005 to CD21-008) and which intersected finely disseminated and vein hosted
    native copper spanning a length of 1.1km.
    Table 2: Geological Summary of 2021 Caribou Dome massive sulphide drilling
    Width (m)
    Lithology Comments
    0.00 23.10 23.10 Andesite Andesitic fragmental rock, local epidote veining increasing downhole
    23.10 25.28 2.18 Fault Zone Crushed andesitic volcanic rocks and clay gouge
    25.28 35.05 9.77 6.45 Massive
    Laminated very fine-grained sulphides - pyrite plus chalcopyrite in fine
    grained calcareous argillite. Minor recrystallisation of chalcopyrite.
    35.05 45.16 10.11 Andesite Phaneritic andesitic volcanic rocks with fine- to medium-grain size, minor
    calcite veining.
    45.16 54.08 8.92 5.89 Massive
    Laminated massive sulphides with gradual decrease in sulphide content
    down-hole. Chalcopyrite more prevalent in up-hole portion. Contact with
    andesitic volcanic rocks marked by very narrow carbonate vein. Interval
    contains bedding parallel and bedding orthogonal calcite veins.
    54.08 56.40 2.32 Limestone Calcareous limey argillite with pronounced coarsening of grain size downhole. Minor disseminated sulphides present, mainly pyrite, but traces
    56.40 64.25 7.85 5.18 Massive
    Finely laminated massive to semi-massive sulphides, pyrite plus
    chalcopyrite. Chalcopyrite content higher up hole, decreasing down-hole,
    but abundance of small, recrystallised chalcopyrite grains increasing downhole. Fine grained limey argillite with graphite as host.
    64.25 82.30 18.05 Andesite Medium to coarse grained hbl-plag phyric andesitic flow with 2-10mm
    plagioclase laths and 2-5mm hornblende phenocrysts. Becoming less
    porphyritic down-hole.
    0.00 12.07 12.07 Andesite Gossanous basaltic andesite flow. Black and orange/red iron oxide colour
    near surface. Decomposed masses of clay are dark green. Due to the dark
    colour of the gossan and the abundance of green chlorite.
    12.07 23.47 12.3 Limestone Black and grey coloured argillite with abundant calcite veining and flooding.
    23.47 27.33 3.86 Andesite Andesitic Tuff. Very finely crystalline plagioclase rich andesite conformable
    brecciated contact with argillite. Some areas have phenocrysts too small to
    see. Has abundant very fine micro veining of calcite and dark quartz. This
    unit is thought to be an ash fall.
    27.33 45.85 18.52 Limestone Very fine grained, black, calcareous argillite with interbedded light grey
    medium grained limestone.
    45.85 48.16 2.31 1.57 Semi-Massive
    Lamellae of green-black very fine semi-massive sulphide - no metallic lustre
    present, except in select areas.
    48.16 51.21 3.05 Limestone 0.5mm sized grains present, distinct from argillite by the lighter colour and
    visible grains.
    51.21 56.85 5.64 3.84 Semi-Massive
    Green-black semi massive sulphides interbedded with limestone. Very hard
    to identify - no metallic lustre.
    56.85 120.40 63.55 Andesite Variable textured andesitic volcanic units interpreted as lava flows.
    0.00 26.00 26.00 Andesite Dark green andesite with fine (1mm) equigranular phenocrysts. Phenocryst
    size gradationally vary to 1.5-2mm.
    26.00 36.71 10.71 7.50 Massive
    Thinly laminated and fine-grained massive sulphide with deformed calcite
    veining. Commonly contains brecciated rip up clasts of limestone and
    possibly argillite (or silicified limestone). Irregular calcite veining is frequent
    and cross cutting breccia fragments and bedding. Has a fault contact with
    the andesite unit above.
    36.71 70.71 34.00 Andesite
    Metre to ~15m alternating layers of limestone, limey argillite and andesitic
    volcanic rocks
    0.00 49.99 49.99 Andesite Variably textured andesitic volcanic rocks with considerable broken ground
    indicating proximity to fault zone.
    PolarX Limited | +61 8 6465 5500 | +61 8 6465 5599 | www.polarx.com.au
    Suite 1, 245 Churchill Avenue, Subiaco, Western Australia 6008 Page 8
    The Caribou Dome Project is located approximately 250km northeast of Anchorage in Alaska, USA. It is
    readily accessible by road – the Denali Highway passes within 20km of the Project and from there a
    purpose-built road provides direct access to the historic underground development at the Project.
    Copper mineralisation was discovered at the Caribou Dome Project in 1963. From 1963-1970 nine
    lenses of volcanic sediment-hosted copper mineralisation were delineated over approximately 700m of
    the strike. Ninety-five diamond core holes were drilled during this period, from surface and
    On 25 February 2015, PolarX secured the right to acquire an 80% interest in the Caribou Dome Project
    by meeting certain expenditure obligations and annual cash payments. Very limited exploration had
    been undertaken since 1970, until PolarX secured the rights to explore and develop the project in
    February 2015. It compiled all historic technical information, prioritised targets arising, completed a
    ground geophysics (induced polarisation) survey, geochemical soil sampling and two programs of
    diamond core drilling. This drilling rapidly validated previous work and the Company was able to publish
    a maiden resource in April 2017 (see Table 3 below).
    The mineralisation occurs in a series of deformed lenses of fine-grained massive sulphides comprising
    pyrite and chalcopyrite. The mineralisation has been deformed by two-phases of folding and then
    subsequently faulted. The mineralisation extends from surface to depths of over 300m.
    Multiple high-priority targets based on surface geochemical soil sampling and IP survey remain
    undrilled. With >18km of the stratigraphic horizon that hosts the mineralisation evident within the
    Company’s project area, there is considerable potential to discover additional high-grade mineralisation
    and to continue to expand the resource base at the Project.
    The Company continues to evaluate the economic viability of trucking copper mineralisation from
    Caribou Dome to potential processing plant sites at its wholly owned Zackly copper-gold deposit.
    Table 3. Alaska Range Project Resource Estimates (JORC 2012), 0.5% Cu cut-off grade
    Category Million
    Cu % Au g/t Ag g/t Contained
    Cu (t)
    Cu (M lb)
    Au (oz)
    Ag (oz)
    ZACKLY Inferred 3.4 1.2 2.0 14.0 41,200 91 213,000 1,500,000
    CARIBOU Measured 0.6 3.6 - 20,500 45 - -
    DOME Indicated 0.6 2.2 - 13,000 29 - -
    Inferred 1.6 3.2 - 52,300 115 - -
    TOTAL 127,000 280 213,000 1,500,000
    Authorised for release by Dr. Frazer Tabeart, Managing Director.
    For further information
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