NMT 1.25% 7.9¢ neometals ltd

Ann: Barrambie - Pilot Plant and Offtake Update, page-8

  1. 2,411 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 597
    The more serious issue is are you a smeller maker?

    For asparagus there is four camps.

    One who can make the smell but cant smell it,
    The second who can make the smell and smell it,
    The third who cant make the smell but can smell it,
    and the fourth who cant make the smell or smell it.

    But on a serious note. F yeah NEO kicking more goals.... what a surprise.
    Think it should be a great year in 22 as long as the world can kick the Covid shackles.... that's what I want for Christmas.

    Good luck all .

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