POS 0.00% 0.4¢ poseidon nickel limited

Ann: Black Swan Restart Project Update, page-253

  1. 2,158 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1524

    LOL TB I couldn't read past your first line.

    To all those holders and nonholders of POS who are wondering WTF is happening with the Nickel market in general. Pour a beverage and put aside 50' and watch this clip.


    Yes the speaker Robert Fliedland is promoting his company Ivanhoe mines BUT the key points he notes are applicable to the Nickel industry and all mining in general for the energy transformation we are entering into.

    He said "Ni and Co are fundamental in the electrification transition" around the 40' mark

    Noting PH recently said PAN is 2-4 times undervalued, this puts POS in an extremely enviable position for any investor who believes in the decarbonisation of the economy given the mineral resource, processing plants and also under explored tenements of POS.

    pour a glass folks This is real talk from a miner in contact with his customers, rather than down ramping from investment banks and the vitriol the LME are expelling.

    Last edited by Bayhunter: 19/07/22
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